やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa


原子力の平和利用 ー バンドン会議の非核声明



会議の声明文“declaration on promotion of world peace and cooperation” の中に非核に関するコメントがある。





“The Asian-African Conference gave anxious thought to the question of world peace and co-operation. It viewed with deep concern the present state of international tension with its danger of an atomic world war. The problem of peace is correlative with the problem of international security. In this connection, all States should co-operate, especially through the United Nations, in bringing about the reduction of armaments and the elimination of nuclear weapons under effective international control. In this way, international peace can be promoted and nuclear energy may be used exclusively for peaceful purposes” (Final Communiqué of the Asian-African conference of Bandung, 24 April 1955).

Available from http://franke.uchicago.edu/Final_Communique_Bandung_1955.pdf Accessed 10 August 2015.