やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa




Claudia Padovani and Kaarle Nordenstreng の “From NWICO to WSIS: another world information and communication order?"というペーパーにその政治的背景が書かれている。

非同盟国が、情報、コミュニケーションの格差を是正し、反植民地主義反帝国主義を掲げたのが 1976年チュニスと1973年のアルジェでの会議。そこに社会主義国の支援が加わり冷戦構造の争点となった。

“Tunis, March 1976: the Non-Aligned Symposium on Information prepares a programme for safeguarding national cultures and overcoming global imbalances in information flows and communication systems in order to ‘obtain the decolonization of information and initiate a new international order in information’. The mandate came from the Non- Aligned Movement (NAM) Summit in Algiers in 1973 which had declared that ‘the activities of imperialism are not confined solely to the political and economic fields, but also cover the cultural and social fields’ calling for ‘concerted action in the fields of mass communication’. The Tunis Symposium’s call for a New International Information Order, with mechanisms such as the Non-Aligned News Agencies Pool, was endorsed by the NAM Summit in Colombo later the same year. This NAM campaign, supported by the socialist countries, led to an historic media debate at the UN and UNESCO as well as in media professional associations and among communication scholars around the world” (Padovani, C. and Nordenstreng, K. 2005. From NWICO to WSIS: another world information and communication order? Global Media and Communication Volume 1(3): 264–272.).

1977年ユネスコがこの要請に応える形で“New World Information and Communication Order (NWICO)” を立ち上げた。ノーベル賞受賞者のSeán MacBride氏を連れてきて1980年には“Many Voices One World” 別名 “MacBride Report”を出している。しかし、この内容に異論を持った英米ユネスコから脱退。

Robin Mansell and Kaarle Nordesterng のGreat Media and Communication Debates: WSIS and the MacBride Report では、セネガル出身のアマドゥ・マハタール・ムボウ氏が1974−1987年ユネスコ事務局長在任期間の話であり、非同盟国と社会主義国の支援を受けた彼の活動と、縁故主義の運営により、ユネスコでの情報コミュニケーションの活動は、不名誉な地位を与えられてしまった、とある。

“It is important to understand that the reasons for the American and British departures from UNESCO were not primarily the NWICO debate, the MacBride Report, or M’Bow’s leadership. The underlying cause in both cases was a strategic shift away from multilateralism—a warning to the international community that leading Western powers refused to be outvoted by the majority of the world’s nations” (Mansell and Nordesterng 2007: 23) .

“UNESCO’s record after M’Bow’s reign—in media and communication and in other sectors—for a period of time was far from honorable. The organization not only to the West—not least to the nonmember state, the United States. ... The culture in UNESCO during the 1980s and early 1990s was to view the MacBride Report, and the NWICO debate, as politically incorrect” (Mansell and Nordesterng 2007: 23-24).

Mansell, R. and Nordenstreng, K. 2007. Great Media and Communication Debates: WSIS and the MacBride Report. Information Technologies and International Development 3 (4): 15– 36.


1980.『多くの声、一つの世界: コミュニケーションと社会、その現状と将来』日本放送出版協会ユネスコ.永井道雄監訳.日本新聞協会「国際的な情報交流の自由に関する研究会」訳