やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa


WCPFCに参加するNGOs その2


12月5日からフィジーで開催されるWCPFC。NGO参加に関してもう一つ、下記のペーパーが International Environmental Law ProjectというNGOから提出されている。同プロジェクトは Lewis & Clark Law Schoolという米国の組織が運営している。この法律学校、100年以上の歴史があるようだ。



Transparency and Observer Participation in International Agreements

Chris Wold and Liz Mering, November 10, 2016



このペーパーもWCPFCの評価書同様に、他の国際環境会議・委員会でのNGOの参加状況を示し、WCPFCもさらに門戸を広げよ、と提案している。年々増えるNGOに10,000米ドルの参加費を払わせよう、という提案がメンバー国からあるようだが、 IATTC は最初の一人が$500 で追加の参加者は $350であるという。 それでも10人も参加させる環境NGOがあるようだから3−4千ドルにはなり、事務局負担を賄えるのかもしれない。






"4) how to accommodate treating separately observers which support the effective participation in the Commission by Small Island Developing States" (p3)





"NGO observers provide many important benefits to States participating in international agreements even if States sometimes view NGOs as oppositional to State power or as diminishing State power. As one scholar writes, NGO participation “does not come at the expense of state centrality; rather it is to the advantage of states.” NGOs provide advantages to States because they do not necessarily only lobby State Parties to vote a particular way on an issue; they perform a variety of valuable functions critical to the international policy-making process".




1) address scientific, economic, and other uncertainties by researching and presenting relevant information to policy makers;

2) organize workshops, seminars, and conferences to enhance knowledge intersessionally;

3) share their expertise by participating on State delegations;

4) participate in review and enforcement procedures;

5) ensure transparency of the decision-making process;

6) provide support to convention secretariats;

7) and provide on-the-ground support on relevant issues outside the negotiations.




"International policy-making, and in particular international environmental policy-making, is typically complex and often entails scientific, economic, and other uncertainties. NGOs are in an ideal position to help address that uncertainty because they hire professionals to research the scientific, economic, social, and technical aspects of specific issues; their research may then be made available to States. NGOs may also disseminate information at intersessional workshops, seminars, or conferences. That research allows States to minimize their own research expenses while maximizing the amount of policy information they obtain. This research may be particularly valuable to developing countries that lack the resources to conduct their own research.” (p. 5)



"NGOs also convey a simple and easily understood message regarding complex negotiations to the public." (p. 7)



"Finally, NGOs may play an important role after negotiations are over. Without domestic support, an international treaty may collapse after negotiations are complete. NGOs are often important domestic players; involving them in international negotiations may help negotiators gauge domestic support during the negotiation and may also help after negotiations when States are trying to implement domestic policies." (p. 8)



