やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa




違法操業で2.5million USDの罰金が課せられた台湾漁船Yuh Fa Fishery Limited(バヌアツの旗で操業)

https://www.wcpfc.int/node/18393 より







35. Korea reported its implementation of CMM2016-04 (NC13-DP-06) in which “East Sea” was referred to. (略)


38. Japan made the following statement: “Sea of Japan” is the one and only internationally established and recognized name for the sea area concerned. The United Nations has already officially confirmed its policy using the name “Sea of Japan” as the standard geographical term in official UN documents. In addition, governments of a number of countries recognize the name “Sea of Japan” as the official name. Thus, Japan never accepts the name “East Sea”. The ROK should use the one and only internationally established name, “Sea of Japan”. We request that the ROK correct the name “East Sea” to “Sea of Japan” and the correction be recorded in the summary report. (下線は当方)



添付資料に日韓それぞれの主張があるが、韓国がUNCSGN (国際連合地名標準化会議)と IHO (国際水路機関)の合意に沿え、と主張しているのに対し、日本は両機関の合意内容の詳細を引用し日本海の呼称はこのケースに当てはまらない、と主張。Attachment CとB参照。



Commission for the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean, Northern Committee, Thirteenth Regular Session, Busan, Republic of Korea, 28 August – 1 September 2017, SUMMARY REPORT










14. It was clarified that the information from all the countries involved with albacore fisheries was incorporated in the assessment, both from ISC and non-ISC countries. However, the size information from non-ISC countries as well as China were not provided, so only catch information is used from those countries.


19. China was not present and its report (NC13-DP-02) was introduced by Chair; China reported that there is no vessel fishing for PBF and it is taking a heavy punitive measure on any illegal catch of PBF. China also suggested that its domestic catch clearance certificate could be considered for the development of CDS. NC13 urged the participation of China in future meetings.


103. It was noted that China did not provide information to NC that is required under CMMs. NC13 encouraged China to submit all required information to NC.



次に"chinese taipei" 台湾で検索。


29. Chinese Taipei noted that it was unfortunate that overcatch occurred but it considered it as a result of substantial increase of recruitment in 2016. It also urged Japan to take further monitoring efforts as mentioned by Japan so that this does not ever happen again. Chinese Taipei asked for more detail about the timely monitoring Japan is suggesting and explanation for the reason for the two different “year” definition among fishing gears and its consistency with CMM2016-04.





43. Korea asked for the reason why the catch declined while the number of vessels operating increased. It further asked how many officers are present for verifying CDS and if CDS is verified before or after the landing.

44. Chinese Taipei replied that the operation days were not increased although the number of vessels increased in 2016. It also clarified that PBF is landed in three major domestic ports and officers are present during their opening hours and that CDS verification is done before sale at landing ports.

45. Chair recalled that Chinese Taipei once commented that it had not designated domestic landing ports for PBF. Chinese Taipei clarified that it is preparing to designate landing ports for PBF. This may happen in 2018.

46. Chair further asked if the landing in ports other than those designated would be prohibited and sale of PBF without CDS would also be prohibited. Chinese Taipei confirmed these.






Huge fine for fishing operator in American Samoa


1 September 2017