やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa



「ここには本当の意味でのリハビリテーションはありませんから、これは彼らにとって良い活動になります。 月に一度、誰かがボートを提供してくれて、私たちは燃料を提供します。 7人の警官が10人から12人の受刑者に同行して釣りをします。 先月は3つのクーラーに魚が入っていましたが、彼らが魚を持ってくると、他の受刑者たちが魚をさばいて冷凍庫に入れてくれるので、食事の際には魚と缶詰を交互に食べるようになりました」。】
The judo uniform carried by the JS Kaga supports the judo activities led by Mr Aguon, who is shown this article.
Law enforcement is improving rapidly under the Whipps administration, but the reality of island society is that prison capacity and personnel are limited. I have heard that in the past, criminals were put on boats and sent away. Nowadays, human rights are respected and criminals must be treated justly.
【Aguon said that they take inmates fishing about once a month. “There’s no real rehabilitation here and this serves as a good activity for them. We usually have someone donate a boat once a month and we provide fuel. 7 officers would accompany about 10 or 12 inmates to fish. Last month they had 3 coolers of fish and when they brought them, the other inmates cleaned the fish and put them in their freezer so they alternate fish with canned foods in their meals.”】