やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa



Pacific nations will be mostly unheard at major climate summit | RNZ News

1 科学に基づかない金融政策、背後にいるのはシティやウォール街
2 中国が背後についている。即ち途上国としての利権確保
3 小国がこれで資金を確保しようとしている。気候変動以前の小国の問題が消えてしまう。
I don't deny climate change, but I have a lot of questions about it.
The conference in Glasgow starts today.
There is no limit to the number of creatures that have gone extinct in the history of the planet, and humans will one day...
My doubts about the climate change project
1 A monetary policy not based on science, with the City and Wall Street behind it
2 China is behind it. 2 China is behind it, i.e. securing its interests as a developing country
3 Small countries are trying to get money from this. The problem of small countries before climate change will disappear.
さてこの記事は パプアニューギニア、フィジー、ツバル、パラオの首脳だけが参加し、10カ国の島嶼国首脳は参加できないという内容。インド洋、カリブの小島嶼国はどうなんだろうか? SIDS と言いますが彼らは気候変動会議ではいつも主役です。
Now this article says that only the leaders of Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Tuvalu and Palau will be able to attend, not the leaders of the 10 island nations. What about the small island states in the Indian Ocean and the Caribbean? It's called SIDS and they are always the stars at climate change conferences.