やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa











Kiribati government to open its Phoenix Islands Marine Protected Area to commercial fishing - Island Times


他方でキリバスは独立以前の1956年に設置した信託基金 Revenue Equalization Reserve Fund (RERF) が700億円くらいまで成長しているとの2018年のニュースもあるがこの利子はどのように使われているのであろうか?

Kiribati govt says trust fund set to reach a billion dollars | RNZ News



Bairiki, Tarawa, 15th November 2021-----The Government of Kiribati had decided to lift the closure and apply a Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) to sustainably use marine resources in the Phoenix Islands Protected Area (PIPA).
The Phoenix Islands Protected Area was first established in 2006 following extensive discussions between scientists from the New England Aquarium and the Government of Kiribati which began in 2003. At the time, there was great concern by the Government of Kiribati given its heavy reliance on revenue from fishing licenses which accounts for more than 70% of Kiribati total annual revenue. The decision to proceed to close off PIPA as a “no take zone” was made on the assurances that a ‘reversed fishing license’ regime through the PIPA Trust will compensate revenue forgone. This will allow the Government of Kiribati to proceed with its intent to conserve its marine resources through the PIPA initiative and at the same time rely on a new stream of funds to uplift the livelihood of its people.
The closure of PIPA to commercial fishing activities or as a no take zone was finally realised in 2015. The Government of Kiribati expresses its gratitude and appreciation to all its partners who have been involved and contributed immensely to the establishment of PIPA. It has been more than 10 years since its establishment and it is abundantly clear that the development policy logic at its inception, however innovative and well-intended, will not be sufficient to meet the present need of the people of Kiribati now and the development needs of the country for the future. Kiribati cannot be immobile, the conservation landscape across the Pacific and our SIDS region is evolving and we need to transform our conservation efforts in tune with the changes around us. The assumption that Kiribati is forgoing its commitments to conservation are false. Instead, it must be understood that the Government Kiribati is considering options to invest in marine and biodiversity protection and promote climate resilience in our blue economy.
Congruent with blue economy principles, the Government of Kiribati has made an informed and collective decision to sustainably develop our marine resources within the PIPA area that will favor both economic and conservation objectives. While this would mean forgoing the “no take zone” within PIPA; on the other hand, it would see our Government apply innovative programmes within the remit of Marine Spatial Planning to sustainably develop our natural resources in a manner that benefits all I-Kiribati. The Kiribati Vision for 20 years is people-centric and so Kiribati efforts to protect biodiversity needs to strike a balance to enable actions that also uplift the livelihoods of our people. This is our role as Government and our actions within our territorial waters need to be focused on uplifting the livelihoods of our people, including our conservation efforts.
From its inception, the PIPA endowment fund, has so far raised approximately USD$7m, and its interest have only been sufficient to support the operations and management of PIPA. It has not been able to deliver on the assurances of a “reverse fishing license” as it was originally intended to also deliver.
An independent Advisory Expert Panel made up of experts from the Forum Fisheries Agency, the Secretariat of the Pacific Community and the Pacific Island Forum Secretariat was invited to carry out an assessment on the impact of PIPA closure on Government revenue and present its findings to the Kiribati Tuna Working Group, a body comprising of the Government of Kiribati agencies. The Expert Panel concluded that since the PIPA closure in 2015, there has been a marked decline of demand for fishing in Kiribati EEZ by 8%. This is equivalent to 720 fishing days decline in fishing efforts in those years. Such decline has a huge implication on future allocations of Kiribati Vessel Day Scheme share under the Parties to the Nauru Agreement. For purse seine fishing, this translates to approximately USD$60m to USD$140 in loss revenue from 2015 to present. For longline fisheries, approximately USD$850k is forgone annually or equivalent to USD$5.9m since 2015.
The decision on PIPA made by the Government combines critical considerations for science and global finance partnerships so we can achieve significant and tangible wins for our people and for nature. The Government of Kiribati strongly rebukes assumptions that the decisions regarding our Phoenix Islands Protected Area are being influenced by external parties. This is extremely misleading, grossly inaccurate and exhibit the usual hypocritical narratives driven by "neo-colonial precepts". Similar to any Government, our decisions, as we make them, puts the livelihoods of our people at the fore and have been carefully considered and agreed to as a Government.
The Government remains gravely concerned about the involvement of external entities such as One News from New Zealand in sharing working documents to undermine and sabotage ongoing discussions with our PIPA partners and for not allowing due process that will allow an orderly announcement and clarification of the decision taken on the future of PIPA. It should be noted that the working documents in circulation have no formal standing and by no means a secret property of Cabinet as it was unsigned.
We urge all concerned parties to refrain from following inaccurate commentaries. Our decision as a sovereign country and Government is people-centric and commensurate with holistic options for marine protection and management, economic diversification, sustainable tourism and fisheries, to promote the growth of Kiribati’s blue economy, and uplift the lives of all I-Kiribati.
Bairiki, Tarawa, 15th November 2021-----キリバス政府は、フェニックス諸島保護区(PIPA)の海洋資源を持続的に利用するために、閉鎖を解除し、海洋空間計画(MSP)を適用することを決定しました。
フェニックス諸島保護区は、2003年に始まったニューイングランド水族館の科学者とキリバス政府との広範な協議を経て、2006年に初めて設定されました。当時、キリバス政府は、キリバスの年間収入の70%以上を占める漁業ライセンスによる収入に大きく依存していることから、大きな懸念を抱いていました。 PIPAを「ノー・テイク・ゾーン」として閉鎖することを決定したのは、PIPA信託を通じた「逆の漁業ライセンス」制度が、放棄された収入を補うことができるという保証があったからです。これにより、キリバス政府は、PIPA構想による海洋資源の保護を進めると同時に、国民の生活を向上させるための新たな資金源を確保することができます。
PIPAを商業漁業活動の場として、あるいはノー・テイク・ゾーンとして閉鎖することは、2015年にようやく実現しました。キリバス政府は、PIPAの設立に関わり、多大な貢献をしてくれたすべてのパートナーに感謝の意を表しています。 設立から10年以上が経過しましたが、設立時の開発政策の論理は、いかに革新的で善意であったとしても、現在のキリバスの人々のニーズや将来の開発ニーズを満たすには十分ではないことが明らかになっています。キリバスは不動ではいられない。太平洋とSIDS地域全体の自然保護の状況は進化しており、私たちは周囲の変化に合わせて自然保護の取り組みを変えていく必要がある。キリバスが自然保護へのコミットメントを放棄しているという仮定は誤りである。むしろ、キリバス政府は、海洋と生物多様性の保護に投資し、ブルーエコノミーにおける気候変動への耐性を促進するための選択肢を検討していると理解すべきである。
PIPA基金は設立以来、約700万ドルの資金を集めてきましたが、その利子はPIPAの運営と管理をサポートするのに十分なものではありません。 PIPA基金は、当初予定していた「逆漁業ライセンス」の保証を実現することができませんでした。
政府は、ニュージーランドのOne News社のような外部団体が、PIPAパートナーとの継続的な協議を弱体化させ、妨害するために作業文書を共有することに関与していること、また、PIPAの将来に関する決定を秩序立てて発表し、明確にするための適正なプロセスを認めていないことに、重大な懸念を抱いています。なお、配布されている作業文書は、正式なものではなく、署名されていないため、決して内閣の秘密財産ではありません。
関係者の皆様におかれましては、不正確な解説に従うことはお控えください。 主権国家・政府としての我々の決断は、国民を中心とし、海洋保護・管理、経済の多様化、持続可能な観光・漁業のための全体的な選択肢に見合ったものであり、キリバスのブルーエコノミーの成長を促進し、すべてのI-キリバス人の生活を向上させるものである。