やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa




Militarization of Melanesian region started before Pearl Harbor by US, UK, Australia, and NZ

As the geopolitical significance of Japan's attack on Guadalcanal and the vast region stretching east to west from Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Fiji, and New Caledonia is debated over the security agreement between China and the Solomon Islands, there is one thing they have all forgotten.

1 The eastern half of Papua New Guinea was Dutch territory, the northern part of the western half was an Australian mandate, the southern part was British territory, the Solomon Islands and Fiji were British colonies, Vanuatu was a Anglo-French condominium, and New Caledonia was French territory. Japan's war objective was to end Anglo-Saxon colonial rule by liberating Asia Pacific. An example of a successful war aim is His Excellency Michael Somare, the father of Papua New Guinea

2 World War II began in the Pacific in September 1939, and Australia and NZ immediately declared their entry into the war. In 1940, German ships arrived and attacked Nauru, a joint British-Australian-NZ mandate territory. The reclamation of former Pacific colonies (including Japan's South Sea-administered territories) by the Germans was a real threat.

3 Many people misunderstand the geopolitical significance of the attack on Gadalcanal. It was not about dividing the U.S. forces in Hawaii and Australia. Military bases in the Melanesian region (including Samoa) had already been established by Britain, Australia, and NZ, and the U.S. military, which entered the war after Pearl Harbor (from 1939 in American Samoa), expanded these bases at once. In January 1942, the Japanese occupied Rabaul, a former German territory in northern Papua New Guinea, and built an air base there.

”The island of Guadalcanal was important for the U.S. forces to secure an airfield as a foothold for the invasion of Rabaul, and for the Japanese forces to establish a favorable strategic position in the Coral Sea in conjunction with the invasion of Port Moresby. The question of which side secured the island had a major impact on later operations and war guidance." From "The Offensive and Defense over Guadalcanal Island - From the Viewpoint of Concentration of Forces" by Tatsushi Saito.



1 パプアニューギニアの東半分はオランダ領、西半分の北部は豪州委任統治領、南部はイギリス領、ソロモン諸島とフィジーはイギリス領、バヌアツは英仏共同統治領、ニューカレドニアはフランス領だったのである。日本の戦争目的は東亜の解放でアングロサクソンの植民地支配を終了させる事であった。成功例パプアニューギニアの国父マイケル・ソマレ閣下である

2 太平洋で第二次世界大戦が開始したのは1939年9月で豪NZは即座に参戦を宣言。上記の欧州諸国のメラネシア地域、具体的には、ニューカレドニア、バヌアツ(ニューヘブリデス)、フィジー、パプアニューギニア(ラバウル)に軍事基地化していた。1940年にはドイツ艦船がやってきて英豪NZ共同委任統治領であったナウルを攻撃。ドイツ軍による旧太平洋植民地(日本の南洋統治領も含む)奪回は現実の脅威だった。

3 ガダルカナル攻略の地政学意味を勘違いしている人が多い。ハワイの米軍と豪州を分断することではない。既に英豪NZによってメラネシア地域(サモアも)軍事基地化が進み、真珠湾以降(だと思うが詳細を確認していない)参戦した米軍がこれらの基地を一気に拡大していた。日本は1942年1月にはパプアニューギニア北部の旧独領ラバウルを日本軍が占領し、空軍基地を建設。

「ガダルカナル島は、アメリカ軍にとってはラバウル攻略の足掛かりとして飛行場を確保するために、日本軍にとっては、ポートモレスビー攻略と相俟って珊瑚海海域における有利な戦略態勢を確立するために重要な島であり、どちらがこの島を確保しているかがじ後の作戦 及び戦争指導に大きな影響を及ぼした。」「ガダルカナル島をめぐる攻防 ―戦力の集中という視点から―」齋藤達志より






The Marine Corps had begun forming defense battalions in late 1939, and in March 1941 the 7th Defense Battalion arrived in American Samoa, becoming the first Fleet Marine Force to operate in the South Pacific.

Facing manpower shortages and other challenges, the unit was granted the authority to form a reserve battalion of native Samoans, and on July 1, 1941, the 1st Samoan Battalion was activated.

The story of the 'Barefoot Marines' of World War II - Task & Purpose