やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa


中国の植民地、ニセコ(5)Niseko, a Chinese colony (5)



ニセコに、というか日本にスキーを紹介したのはオーストリアの軍人であった。オーストラリアではない。あの頃オーストラリアには軍隊は誕生したばかりか、まだなかったはずだ。そのオーストリア、当時はオーストリア=ハンガリー帝国の軍人はテオドール・エードラー・フォン・レルヒ(Theodor Edler von Lerch, 1869年8月31日 - 1945年12月24日)

香港資本と違って金儲けではなく、日露戦争で勝利した日本軍の視察、つまりスパイとして1910年来日。同様の目的で1908年から1910年に日本滞在したドイツ軍人Karl Ernst Haushoferと入れ違いである。Haushoferはインド太平洋構想を最初に提唱した人物だ。二人は繋がっているであろう。



1961年12月、ニセコヒラフスキー場として開業。 1980年代、第二次スキーブームがバブル景気が到来。バブルの終焉後ニセコは豪州人によって国際的スキーリゾートに名を馳せ、そのまま中国の植民地に。しかも地元民の自決権、人権を無視した一番悪い形の植民が完成しつつある。









Theodor Edler Von Lerch


Niseko, a Chinese colony (5)

Before we get into the Hong Kong capital that is responsible for turning Niseko into a Chinese colony, I would like to write about the history of how Niseko and Kutchan became a world-class ski resort. It has been 100 years of history.

I was told this by Councilor Yoshihito Tanaka, who was also a professional skier.


It was an Austrian military officer who introduced skiing to Niseko, or rather to Japan. It was Austrian not Australian. At that time, Australia would not have military yet. Australia became independent from Great Britain in 1901.


The Austrian, then Austro-Hungarian, military officer was Theodor Edler von Lerch (August 31, 1869 - December 24, 1945). Unlike the Hong Kong capital, he came to Japan in 1910 not to make money, but to inspect the victorious Japanese military in the Russo-Japanese War, in other words, as a spy.


The same as Karl Ernst Haushofer, a German military officer who stayed in Japan from 1908 to 1910 for the same purpose. Haushofer was the first to propose the Indo-Pacific concept. Lerch and Haushofer, the two were probably connected.


The Imperial Japanese Army also needed Lt. Col. Lerch to learn skiing after losing over 200 men in the Hakkouda disaster of 1902. In February 1912, Lerch taught skiing to the 7th Asahikawa Division, and in April he came to Kutchan to ski Mt. Yotei.

This was the beginning of skiing in Niseko.


In December 1961, the resort opened as Niseko Hirafu Ski Resort. In the 1980s, the second ski boom brought a bubble economy. After the end of the bubble economy, Niseko was named an international ski resort by the Australians and became a Chinese colony as it is, and the worst form of colonization is being completed, ignoring the local people's self-determination and human rights.


In 1972, Kutchan town established a written declaration to promote skiing as its self-determination. However, the "ski town" that the people of Kutchan aimed for became a "ski town" not for the people of Kutchan, but for Chinese capital.


Declaration of Kutchan as a "Ski Town

We, the citizens of Kutchan, are surrounded by the majestic Yotei and Niseko mountain ranges.

We, the citizens of Kutchan, have cultivated this land for generations, and have cultivated a rich local land, without flinching from the harsh wind and snow.

The town has been cultivated for generations, and has cultivated a rich local land.

This is the result of a strong mind and body, cultivated in a climate of extreme cold and heavy snowfall, as well as a strong will.

The snow has nurtured the people's minds and bodies, and has also helped the town to make great strides as a skiing mecca.

We are committed to making all aspects of skiing available to the people of our town, and through skiing, to nurture a strong mind and body, and to contribute to the development of a prosperous town.


We hereby declare skiing to be the town's art, and hereby proclaim ourselves the "Town of Skiing".


December 20, 1972

