やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa


French Commander Wants to Strengthen Security Ties with Japan and U.S.

It is important for Indo-PAcific perspective.  France has huge EEZ in the Indo-Pacific, but their MDA is limitted due to geographical position. I kept suggesting that Japan should work with France.  Problem is not only China, youth unemployment rate is more than 50% in French territories, such as New Caledonia, F.Polyneisa. This leads to social instability.

これはインド太平洋の観点からも重要である。 フランスはインド太平洋に広大なEEZを持っていますが、地理的な位置関係からMDAが制限されています。私は日本が彼らと協力すべきだと言い続けてきた。 問題は中国だけではなく、ニューカレドニアやポリネシアなどのフランス領では若者の失業率が50%を超えています。

 仏軍司令官 日米と安全保障面で連携強化の意向 中国など念頭に | 中国 | NHKニュース


The Commander-in-Chief of the French Armed Forces in the Asia-Pacific region, the first person in the Japanese media to be interviewed by NHK, has expressed France's intention to strengthen security cooperation with the U.S., Japan and other countries, with China and other countries advancing into the sea.

From last month to this month, the French military dispatched a patrol plane to the Futenma Air Base in Ginowan City, Okinawa Prefecture, to monitor the so-called "seizure" by North Korea in accordance with the UN Security Council resolution.

In response to this, Rear Admiral Jean-Mathieu Rey, Commander of the French Armed Forces in the Asia-Pacific Region, became the first Japanese media to be interviewed by NHK online.

In this interview, Rear Admiral Rey said, "The French military will continue to be involved in the Indo-Pacific region. In addition, we are ready to further strengthen our cooperation with the SDF.

With China's maritime expansion in mind, he said, "Tensions are rising around the Taiwan Strait because some parties are not complying with international rules. It is necessary to peacefully resolve conflicts and difficulties between nations," he said, expressing France's intention to strengthen security cooperation with the United States, Japan and other countries.

He stressed the strategic importance of the U.S. military bases in Okinawa, saying that "bases, ports, and airfields are necessary for the deployment of ships and military aircraft, and Okinawa is very important for French military operations.