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Introduced Congress resolution does not mean cancellation of Compact with the United States
Kpress November 30, 2015
同決議案は、新たに任命された米国政府国務省の担当官Stephen Schwartz (U.S. State Department Director of East Asia-Pacific — Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands (EAP/ANP))がFSMを訪ねた翌日に提出されていたのである。このタイミング!完璧に喧嘩を売っている形である。
このFigir議員のインタビューの中で興味深いのはこのStephen Schwartz氏のコメントを引用している部分である。米国の当該地域への関心は薄れている事を証明している。しかも余程の安全保障面の(米国への)危機でもない限り、予算が増加される事はない。言い換えればFSMのどこかに中国が人工島を造成しない限り、米国は動かないし、一銭たりとも出す気はない、ということだ。
”Schwartz said that many FSM government officials asked him whether the U.S. would consider renewing financial provisions after they expire in 2023. His answer was his very informed opinion and not an official answer of the U.S. Government.
"I can't predict the future but my personal view is that I don't expect that the U.S. Government and particularly the Congress would revisit either the Compact or something supplemental in the foreseeable future. I mean, we have our own funding constraints. Congress seems to be taking on less and less and to in a sense, volunteer to do something we're not forced to do that involves the spending of additional money; I don't see it unless it's critical for the defense of the republic," he said. "I've shared that view with FSM officials. I mean, it might happen but at some point, I think that the US, well what we need to do and what FSM need to do, I think, over the next few years is come to a much deeper understanding about all of the implications of 2023 and what will happen in 2024. Not just financially but in terms of everything relating to the Compact and all of the services."
"In my opinion, the U.S. knew in the 1940's that Micronesia writ large, all of the FAS is very strategic, very important," Schwartz said when asked about the importance of strategic deniability in the region. "I think, one of the reasons that the U.S. is so committed to this relationship is that we knew in the 1940 and 50's what we sacrificed for it during World War II and the commitments and the losses to regain, to liberate, to take these very strategic areas. That's not something we want to have to do again. People here don't want to be in that position either, so we've established what we think is a very exceptionally strong commitment to them and that's going to last. And as this area of the Asia Pacific grows in importance, economically and strategically, I believe this area will remain and grow in importance to us as well.
"I've been very committed to trying to ensure that throughout the U.S. Government, people recognize the current and potential friction developing in this area," he said.
"What I'd like to say is that our relationship with the FSM is far more than the Compact, the Trust Fund. Those are very important and enduring, I think. But our relationship began decades before there was any Compact and we feel that we have a special relationship with FSM...and we're working together on climate change. We're working on IUU fishing. The Peace Corps is here, lots of things, defense, Coast Guard have relationships and activities. These things are enduring. They're important, pretty balancing in the Asia Pacific and our interest in the FSM and this area is only going to increase so I would just say that it's a wide ranging relationship. It's very important to us and we'll keep at it. We take JEMCO and the Trust Fund very seriously and our working partnership, both, but there's a lot more to a relationship."
Vote "NO!' to the COFA Termination bill proposed by FSM Congressmen!
Congressman Romolow responds to Compact termination Resolution Questions
Yap state: Plebiscite necessary before Compact can be abolished
10 Dec 2015 By Robert Q. Tupaz