Whipps大統領 Nakamura大統領 Hinck博士は90年代パラオの独立を支援した法律家
Needless to say, the Free Association Agreement that the US conclude with the three Micronesian States reflects the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples adopted on 14 December 1960.(UN Res.1514(XV))
But what is free about the 'strategic areas' imposed by the US in the UN Charter? and gave birth to a distorted, according to the Hinck paper, ignore self-determination of Palau, an agreement that even violates international law.
That the US Freedom Association is a unique agreement can be seen in the difference between New Zealand's Freedom Association with the Cook Islands and Niue, which is only a few pages long, and the US's, which runs into the hundreds of pages.
Hinck, Jon. ”The Republic of Palau and the United States: Self-Determination Becomes the Price of Free Association” California Law Review . Jul90, Vol. 78 Issue 4, p915. 57p.
A point made by Palau's President Whipps during the public hearing about the relationship between the United States and Palau was impressive. The history between the US and Palau begins with war. Palau needed to be used as a foothold to retake the Philippines from Japan. Currently, China is the biggest economic investor in Palau, and the US almost never.
And this is hearsay. When the US Government official patronisingly told Palauan leader,
"We liberated Palau from the Japan, didn't we?"
"The Palauans did not ask to be liberated, they were happy during the Japanese period. The US military destroyed all the infrastructure that the Japanese and Palauans had built and left just like that." One of the leaders replied.
It is true that the three Micronesian countries do not have a 'Liberation Day'. And I have been constantly told by Micronesians that the Japanese era was good for the last 30 years, and recently I have begun to wonder if that is not a compliment.
I have been also constantly told by American regional experts that US support for Micronesia has been abysmal, and I feel sorry for them. The latest negotiations have doubled economic assistance to USD 7billion for 20 year for FAS. Japan subsidises Okinawa to the tune of USD 7billion annually.
My relationship with Palau was strengthened when I met the late President Kuniwo Nakamura in 1997. He always said
"I am also Japanese, or rather, I am Japanese. I need Japan to be strong"
That is why I launched the Micronesian Information and Communications Regulatory Reform and Maritime Security Project.
In addition, President Nakamura asked me in 2017 to protect Palau's children from drugs.
"Marijuana is fine, we need money. But Methamphetamine is not. That stuff destroys the brain."
To what extent does the United States, a signatory to the Free Association Agreement, understand and deal with this situation?
The paper by Dr Robert Underwood, who wrote about the previous negotiations, is also a must-read.
"The Amended U.S. Compacts of Free Association with the Federated States of Micronesia and the Republic of the Marshall Islands: Less Free, More Compact". 2003. East West Center.
米国がミクロネシア三カ国と締結する自由連合協定が、1960年12月14日採択された「植民地と人民に独立を付与する宣言(Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples)」(決議1514(XV))であることは言うまでもない。しかし国連憲章に米国が押し込んだ「戦略区」はどこが自由なのか?という歪んだ、Hinck論文によればパラオの自決権を無視した、国際法に違反する協定を誕生させた。
Hinck, Jon. The Republic of Palau and the United States: Self-Determination Becomes the Price of Free Association. California Law Review . Jul90, Vol. 78 Issue 4, p915. 57p.
私がパラオとの関係を強化したのは故人Kuniwo Nakamura大統領との出会いである。「私は日本人でもある、いや日本人なんだ。日本にしっかりしてもらわないと困る」と常に言われた。
前回の交渉を書いたRobert Underwood博士の論文も必読である。
"The Amended U.S. Compacts of Free Association with the Federated States of Micronesia and the Republic of the Marshall Islands: Less Free, More Compact" 2003. East West Center