本日からソロモン諸島を皮切りに中国の王毅外相が太平洋島嶼国8カ国を、20名の代表団を引き連れて訪問する。ソロモン諸島では安全保障協力協定の正式署名がされる予定だ。訪問国はソロモン諸島の他Fiji, Tonga, East Timor, PNG Vanuatu, Kiribati, Samoaである。
Breaking- China's Foreign Ministry finally confirms Wang Yi's trip to Pacific. He'll visit a full *eight* countries (my guess was 6-7) "including Solomon Islands, Fiji, Tonga, East Timor, PNG and Vanuatu." Other two: Kiribati, Samoa? Not clear. Background: https://t.co/Lw5dBAwV2T
— Stephen Dziedzic (@stephendziedzic) 2022年5月24日
ソロモン諸島のツラギ(Central Islands Provincial (CIP) )がソガヴァレ政権の中央政府と港湾拡張事業で昨日合意。中国の名前は出てこないが、
昨日のクアドは太平洋島嶼国に焦点を当てていたが、手遅れだった。林外相、日本政府はパラオ政府からのEEZ ECS管理協力支援を一切無視である。25条を金科玉条にする海上保安庁ではだめなのだ。
中国企業、ソロモンの島を75年賃借か 豪紙報道: 日本経済新聞
News for Airlines, Airports and the Aviation Industry | CAPA
How many agreements and memoranda of understanding will be signed during Foreign Minister Wang Yi's visit to Pacific island countries?
Tulagi in the Solomon Islands (Central Islands Provincial (CIP) ) agreed yesterday with the central government of the Sogavare administration on a port expansion project. China's name was not mentioned in the agreement.
1 the day before Foreign Minister Wang Yi's visit.
2 Tulagi was the site of a long-term lease attempt by a Chinese company with ties to the Chinese military shortly after the diplomatic switch in September 2019.
3 And it was the site of a prewar British colonial office.
China has completed the Tulagi invasion. The arrangements for Foreign Minister Wang Yi's visit were clear. Vanuatu has also decided to expand the airstrip on Santo Island with Chinese support.
Yesterday's Quad focused on Pacific island nations, but it was too late. Foreign Minister Hayashi, the Japanese government is ignoring any EEZ ECS management cooperation assistance from the Palauan government. It is not good enough for the Coast Guard to use Article 25 as its golden rule to draw a line with the military.