やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa






その一つが以前紹介した「中国の国家と秘密結社」の鼎談にあったロンドン伝道師協会のWilliam Milneの論文だ。William Milneはラッフルズとも親交があった。すなわち植民地の学術的、科学的研究の開拓者だ。


Dr. Milne "Some Account of a Secret Association in China, Entitled the Triad Society"

Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 1, No. 2 (1826), pp. 240-250 (13 pages). Published by: Cambridge University Press

The original of area studies is found in colonial administration. And it is represented by Raffles, who was influenced by the humanism of Adam Smith. Both Goto himself and Nitobe have stated that the Japanese colonization of Taiwan and Manchuria by Shinpei Goto was influenced by this. And Nobuo Seizaburo, who wrote about Goto's colonial policies in opposition to World War II, also knew about it.

The Chinese Mafia triad was roaming in the Indo-Pacific, including Palau, and I had the rare opportunity to be involved in the field. I also had the opportunity to make presentations at numerous international conferences. Recently, I was interviewed by a Switzerland-based intelligence organization for more than an hour. Those in the know know. However, there are very few people who talk about it academically, so a valuable network is formed. I am in the middle of it.

I had heard that there was no academic research on the Triad, but there is. And there is quite a lot of it. And there is a fairly long history of research.

One such example is a paper by William Milne of the London Preachers' Association, which was included in the trilogy "The State and Secret Societies in China," which I introduced earlier. William Milne was also a friend of Sir Thomas Raffles. Raffles was a pioneer in the academic and scientific study of the colonies.

I was finally able to find the paper, which was published in 1826, 200 years ago.

Dr. Milne, "Some Account of a Secret Association in China, Entitled the Triad Society."

Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 1, No. 2 (1826), pp. 240-250 (13 pages). Published by: Cambridge University Press

It is a short paper, about 12 pages. The author has had a hard time learning the language in China and has researched the Chinese community in Malacca. The following description and others are exactly analogous to the current Triad.

" The object of this society at first does not appear to have been peculiarly hurtful; but, as numbers increased, the object degenerated from mere mutual assistance, to theft, robbery, the overthrow of regular government, and an aim at political power.

I sometimes think that to understand China, we need to understand the Triad. A people abandoned by their government. A society where power speaks louder than justice. A criminal organization that supports the weak.
I feel that the reason why the expansion of China is considered a problem is because of the existence of the Triad, which has existed for more than 200 years.