やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa




Maritime security, which I proposed, was on the agenda at the 2018 Island Summit, and the confluence of the two seas of the Indo-Pacific of the Austronesian language group, which I also advocated, was included in Prime Minister Abe's speech.













It has been 13 years since the coconut news blog was started. It was Yohei Sasakawa who idirected me to open it. He also told me that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs read it and that I should continue. In fact, the US defence read it, too, and they asked me to make a list of which sites to read on certain incidents.

It was a long time ago that I wondered if I would be able to continue for a year.

It is now March 2023 and I was thinking of writing a New Year's greeting.

In November last year, I was involved in the controversial support for girls and was betrayed by them. Due to this stress I contracted facial paralysis. in December I visited Yoshito Tanaka, the town councillor in Niseko, Hokkaido, which had been on my mind for some time, and in January I visited Chiyoki Tasato, the town councillor in Yonaguni, which had also been on my mind for some time.
That is why I have not been able to greet you on this blog.

I have been involved in Pacific Island countries for almost 40 years, and even after leaving the Foundation, my commitment to the region has deepened more than before, as I was asked to support Judo Kids in Palau and to be an advisor to the Palau National Security Office. In particular, the Micronesian Maritime Security Project, which I launched alone in 2008, went to the shipbuilding and Amakudari concessions of the MLIT, the Coast Guard and the Nippon Foundation, and my desperate resistance within the organisation ran out of hope and all bets were off. I had given up.

However, I became involved in security in a larger framework than before, such as the deployment of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defence Force to the Indo-Pacific as an advisor to the National Security Office established under the Whipps' administration in Palau in 2021. I am particularly honoured that I was requested to and made recommendations for the Palau National Security Strategy, which was published last year and my suggestions have been reflected in the document. Even though it is a small country with a population of less than 20,000, it is nerve-wracking work to touch on the heart of a sovereign state's security, but it was a valuable opportunity to seriously consider the national interests of others.

I thought I could not handle such a heavy responsibility, and once I approached a professional in that field about my position, but we could not get a budget for him, so I am doing it for free. No, they are willing to give me one island in Palau. I am not sure if I will be able to visit it once before I die.

This year I was also invited to join the expert committee of an international organisation based in Switzerland to help them set up their Pacific project, and my second PhD thesis is still at a standstill, but I want to move it forward.

I shall move on with the Indo-Pacific as a legacy of Prime Minister Abe, with a focus on maritime security.