やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa


プレスリリース:やしの実大学in与那国 「与那国・台湾からインド太平洋に広がるオーストロネシア語族」







A civilian group in the Yaeyama Islands held the " Yashinomi-University" in the Yaeyama Islands from 1998 to 2004 under the theme of " discussing the islands on the islands". The first president was Dr. Yosihiko Sinoto, and the second was Professor Hiroshi Kakazu, past president of the University of the Ryukyus, and we have been discussing various issues facing the islands from archaeology to marine issues and island economics, with Okinawa and Pacific island countries as the main focus. The Okinawa Pacific Education Network Initiative - OPENI, was also developed under the leadership of former Ryukyu University President Hajime Oshiro.

Since then, the Self-Defense Forces have been deployed to the Yaeyama Islands and Miyako Island, and the President of Palau has invited the deployment of U.S. military forces in Palau, which is on the second island chain. Currently, active maritime surveillance exercises are being conducted in Palau with the participation of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and the Taiwanese Navy in addition to U.S. forces.

Prime Minister Abe's legacy, the "Indo-Pacific Concept," advocates a Ocean commons based on democracy. The ocean was a space that brought people together, not one that drew lines and separated them. Yonaguni had strong historical ties with Taiwan, a hundred kilometers away. It is not difficult to imagine that the people of Yonaguni were the Austronesian-speaking aborigines of Taiwan who migrated and spread across the Indo-Pacific ocean space 4,000 to 5,000 years ago.

The purpose of this project is to study the Austronesian oceanic world in Yonaguni, not at the westernmost tip of Japan, but at the center of the Indo-Pacific Ocean, and to consider the maritime order as a common property of mankind.


場所:与那国   DiDi与那国交流館


Date: Sat. 29 April 2023, 10:00-12:00


講師, Speakers:

Dr Hsiao-chun Hung, Senior Research Fellow, Australia National University 

「黒潮とともに: 先史時代の八重山諸島、台湾、フィリピン、マリアナ諸島の交流」

Along the Kuroshio: The prehistoric contacts between the Yaeyama Islands, Taiwan, the Philippines, and the Marianas


Prof. Glenn Summerhayes, Australian Academy of the Humanities)、Fellow


"Why is Yonaguni important from an archaeological standpoint?" 


Dr Rieko Hayakawa, Advisor for Palau National Security Office, Presidential Office


"Palau National Security Strategy Based on Traditional Values."


主催:インド太平洋研究会 問い合わせ 05055325888(早川)


DiDi 与那国交流館








参加申し込みは indopacific.study@gmail.com