やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa








Stefan Reich

Sure lots of support from whale fishing nation japan.. ..

Matt Unique
So the great idea of having a no fishing zone is gonna be another empty promise. Who is monitoring these fisherman about what there going to take. They'll get to increase there catch and have no competition.

Telm Adriane Ngirachitei
So greedy to give and expect something back. Shame on them. Japanese killed a lot of Palauan people without reason.

Tarkong King
Hate to say it ... but just saying

Tarkong King
How can you catch skipjacks with long lines, skipjacks are reef fish...

Gregg McCroskey
Let's have full transparency here... how much did they give the senators?

Norway Freeman
Its funny how Japan gets it their way while U.S. is being nickeled and dimed even though they have an agreement with ROP. Palau leaders should learn a thing or two from President Trump. He may not be a politician, but he shows great leadership by keeping his promise to his people and stands firm on what he says.