やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa




レメンゲザウ前大統領が強行に推し進めたパラオ国家海洋保護区 Palau National Marine Sactuary - PNMS



キリバス始め世界の海洋保護にお金をだしているビリオネアのTed Waittはギレーヌ・マックスウェルの恋人だった。海洋保護は彼女の影響らしい。きっと彼も海洋問題を知らない。しかし国家主権が及ばない公海の秘密は知っているはずだ。

私が今回少女買春で有罪となったギレーヌ・マックスウェルを見たのはパラオ海洋保護区制度を国連のサイドイベントか何かで報告するニュースだった。いっしょにいたのがStuart Beckというパラオ国連大使で、彼がこのアイデアを進めていたのである。しかもStuart Beckはギレーヌが主催するTerraMarという海洋財団の理事をしていた。


パラオ国家海洋保護区の話はまだ続いている。なんとこの2月にOur Oceanという会議がパラオで開催される。ウィップス大統領はこの事業に積極的ではないが、前政権がコミットしてしまっている。農林水産庁出身の柄澤大使の力で、魚を取らない海洋保護区から魚を取りながら資源管理をする海洋保護区に転換してほしい。




Palau National Marine Sactuary PNMS, which was forcefully promoted by former President Remengesau.

One aspect of this project that I found suspicious in every way was the prostitution case involving Ghislaine Maxwell, who was convicted at the end of the last year. I've written about this case several times on my blog.

At first glance, people who advocate for mega marine reserves seem cool and have expertise in the field. But the more I learn about ocean issues, the more I see them as frauds. In particular, the billionaires and the top executives of the foundations know nothing about the science of ocean issues or international law. Nor do they know anything about the WCPFC or regional ocean management.

Ted Waitt, a billionaire who has given money to protect Kiribati and other oceans around the world, was Ghislaine Maxwell's lover. Apparently, she has influenced him to protect the oceans. I'm sure he doesn't know much about ocean issues either. But I'm sure he knows the secrets of the high seas, where national sovereignty does not extend.

The first time I saw Ghislaine Maxwell, who was convicted of prostitution, was on the news reporting on the Palau Marine Protected Area project at a UN side event or something like that. She was with Stuart Beck, the Palauan ambassador to the UN, who was promoting the idea. Stuart Beck was also the director of TerraMar, a marine foundation organized by Ghislaine.

At this time, I didn't even know about Ghislaine Maxwell's ex-boyfriend, Epstein, but I was shocked when the incident came out in the news.

The story of the Palau National Marine Sanctuary continues. This February, a conference called "Our Ocean" will be held in Palau. President Whipps was less than enthusiastic about this project, but the previous administration was committed to it. I hope that with the help of Ambassador Karasawa, who is from the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Agency, the project will be converted from a marine reserve where no fish are taken to a marine reserve where fish are taken and resources are managed.

Now, one last horror story.

Ghislaine Maxwell's father, Robert Maxwell, died in 1991 after falling off his yacht. An accident, they say. His body was buried on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. His yacht was named Lady Ghislaine, but now it is called Dancing Hare, and the owner has changed. It has been moored in Palau for the past few months.
