やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa




France in IndoPacific ifri online seminar what is MPA




フランスの研究所、Institut français des relations internationales(ifri)の太平洋事業に協力する機会がありました。しかも博士論文ど真ん中の海洋保護区についてです。発表者を紹介してほしいとのこと。パラオのウィップス大統領を紹介させていただきました。が、大統領が出張でスティーブン・ビクター、パラオ共和国農業・漁業・環境大臣に交替。結果的にビクター大臣でよかったと思います。非常に専門的な詳細な話になりました。


  • Chair: Céline Pajon, Coordinator for the Pacific Islands Program, Center for Asian Studies, Ifri

    • Steven Victor, Minister, Agriculture, Fisheries, and the Environment, Republic of Palau
    • Jérôme Aucan, Head of the Pacific Community Center for Ocean Science (PCCOS), Pacific Community-SPC
    • Pierre-Yves Le Meur, Researcher in environmental anthropology and ethnoecology, Research Institute for the Development (IRD) Center in Noumea, New Caledonia
    • Karina von Schuckmann, Oceanographer, Mercator Ocean International








ニューカレドニア、SPCのジェローム・オーカンは「fish swim!」と言う。魚は泳ぐ。当たり前だが保護区設置をする人はわかってんだろうか?と思う事がある。マグロがそれだ。高度回遊魚と言う。それに卵を産む場所も毎年同じではない。海洋の温度やなんやらで産卵場所も移動する。なのでスペーシャルプランと言っても科学の知見が必要なのである。


Bien joué ! Céline.


I had the opportunity to work with the Institut français des relations internationales (ifri), a French research institute, on a Pacific Ocean project. And it is about a marine protected area in the middle of my doctoral thesis. They asked me to introduce the presenter. I was able to introduce President Whipps of Palau. However, the President was on a business trip and was replaced by Stephen Victor, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Environment of the Republic of Palau. As it turned out, I was glad to have Minister Victor. The discussion was very technical and detailed.

SPC, a counterpart of IFRI, is co-sponsoring the event. It is a valuable opportunity for regional organizations to understand Palau's new marine protected areas.

  • Chair: Céline Pajon, Coordinator for the Pacific Islands Program, Center for Asian Studies, Ifri

    • Steven Victor, Minister, Agriculture, Fisheries, and the Environment, Republic of Palau
    • Jérôme Aucan, Head of the Pacific Community Center for Ocean Science (PCCOS), Pacific Community-SPC
    • Pierre-Yves Le Meur, Researcher in environmental anthropology and ethnoecology, Research Institute for the Development (IRD) Center in Noumea, New Caledonia
    • Karina von Schuckmann, Oceanographer, Mercator Ocean International

A few comments of mine..

<Yohei Sasakawa, who does not know about maritime issues>.

This conference was held in June. The following month, a maritime conference was held in Palau, but there was a huge local opposition to the Whipps administration's proposal, which modified the previous president's proposal to ban commercial fishing in the EEZ. There was much wrangling within Palau, but in the end, a new policy that prioritizes economic security and scientific data, rather than environmental policy that ignores science, is underway. It is Yohei Sasakawa, who has no knowledge of the ocean, who is supporting this previous administration's misguided marine protected area. I have seen this first hand, and I write this clearly.


<US Environment NGO-PEW interferes with small island states around the world>

And Pierre-Yves Le Mure gave the example of French Polynesia. An American NGO called PEW interfered and established a marine protected area in 🇵🇫. Later, the 🇵🇫 government changed the status from marine protected area to marine management area. This is exactly the same case as Palau. Palau, too, was initially influenced by PEW and then by the money of Yohei Sasakawa, who knew nothing about ocean issues, to enact a Marine Protected Area Bill that banned commercial fishing!


<Fish... swim! >

Jerome Aucan, SPC, New Caledonia, says: 'fish swim!" Yes! Fish swim. Of course, but do the people who set up protected areas understand this? Sometimes I wonder if the people who set up reserves know what they're doing. Tuna are a case example. They are highly migratory fish. And the place where they lay their eggs is not the same every year. The spawning grounds also move according to ocean temperatures and other factors. So, even if you say a spacial plan, you still need scientific knowledge.

The conference was a great relief for me, as I have seen how marine protected areas have been preyed upon by the world's celebrities and billionaires as if they were environmental campaigns with empty substance.

Bien joué ! Céline.





