A paper on ICT, my first area of expertise, was published at the end of last year. The paper itself was completed in 2022, but the proofreading process took more than half a year. The hard work was worth it as I have already received many reactions. I emailed Scott, a reader and ICT expert, with some background that I could not put in the paper.
R. Hayakawa, R. Underwood and J. Anson, "The Modern History of ICT in Oceania—PEACESAT and USPNet" in IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, vol. 45, no. 04, pp. 11-26, 2023.
Dear Scott
Thank you for your interest in my paper, for making it known to all concerned and for your comments. Please allow me to write a little longer background.
Please also allow me to make this personal email public. I would like to make this story known to those who are interested in reading my paper.
I started work in 1991 as the head of the Sasakawa Pacific Island Nations Foundation. The fund was established in 1989 with a three billion yen endowment, but the first person in charge of it was unable to manage it well and suddenly disappeared before I joined the foundation. Mr Iriyama, a foundation executive, expressed a sense of guilt over this, telling me.
'I feel guilty. Please do it freely and without restraint. You decide everything and run everything."
Of course, the steering committee and the board of trustees approved my project, but I have been running this foundation alone for nearly 30 years.
In April 1991, I had many project proposals on my desk, two of which were for the PEACESAT Policy Conference from the University of Hawaii and another for the USPNet Upgrade Project from the University of the South Pacific. This was the beginning of my history with ICT4D over the next 30 years. One of the things I didn't write about in the paper was the fact that both were headed by women, Lori Mukaida and Dr Clair Matthewson, which encouraged me, as the ICT world was also male-dominated.
Eventually, I decided to fund the PEACESAT Sendai conference in 1992, and even managed to get the Japanese Government to support it. I then set up the Pacific Island Distance Education Study Group and was able to get USPNet as Japan-NZ ODA project at the first Pacific Island Summit hosted by the Japanese Government in 1997. There is a reason I have never dared to express my achievements: the jealousy of a Japanese woman in her twenties for moving so much was terrible, both domestically and internationally.
As I wrote in my paper, PEACESAT wanted to keep USP users. However, the University of the South Pacific was deeply suspicious of PEACESAT and never wanted to use it. I also learnt about the deep divide between the British and the Americans in the field.
PITA was also hostile to PEACESAT and tried in every way to stop USPNet from having its own satellite. The research and study group I set up also played the role of coordinating the concerns of these stakeholders.
You may remember how the satellite market moved in the 1990s. We did not know how liberalisation would work. After a lot of trial and error, USPNet got reasonable satellite services. On the other hand, PEACESAT's role as a free satellite ended. I believe that PEACESAT has a role to play as an adviser on information and communications policy, with its 30 years of networking, experience and knowledge of the Pacific region, and I have made grants in that area. In particular, PEACESAT's projects in the US territories of Guam, Mariana Islands, American Samoa and FAS have led to the current ICT environment.
I wrote my second master's thesis in the theory of international politics to summarise my experiences of the ICT4D project in the field in an academic way. In this MA paper, I included a proposal for US-Japan cooperation in the Micronesian region not covered by USPNet (other than the RMI). I also wrote my first PhD thesis on Universal Service and Amartya Sen's Development Theory.
Around the time I began writing the PhD thesis, the executive of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation was replaced and new boss asked my opinion. I proposed the Micronesian Maritime Security Project, and which was supported by the executives. The fact that it was my idea and I was the sole person to set it up is one of the reasons why it took me eight years to finish writing the PhD thesis.
PEACESAT was a truly unique organization of personalities. But without the passion of Ms Lori Mukaida, it would not have been possible to influence the US Government at the end of the Cold War. In February 1992, 32 years ago, more than 100 Pacific Islanders gathered in snowy Sendai for a conference, a time when the US Government was disappearing from the Pacific like the ebbing tide.
Reiko Hayakawa PhD
Dear Scott
1991年4月、多くの申請書が私の机の上にありましたが、その中の2つがハワイ大学からのPEACESAT政策会議、もう一つが南太平洋大学からのUSPNet改善事業でした。これがその後30年にわたる私とICT4Dとの歴史の始まりです。論文に書けなかった事の一つに両者の責任者がLori Mukaida, Dr. Clair Matthewsonと女性だった事も私を勇気づけました。ICTの世界も男性中心でしたから。
結局私の判断で1992年にPEACESATの仙台会議への助成を決め、日本政府まで動かすことができました。その後私は太平洋島嶼国遠隔教育研究会を立ち上げ、USPNetを1997年に日本政府が主催した第一回島サミットで日本―NZのODA 案件することができました。私が自分の功績を敢えて表明して来なかった理由があります。20代の日本女性がこれだけ動かす事に対する嫉妬は国内外、酷いものでした。
私は現場でのICT4D事業の経験を学術的にまとめたいと、2つ目の修士論文を国際政治の理論で書きました。そこにはUSPNetがカバーしない(RMI以外)ミクロネシア地域で日米協力で進める提案も入れました。さらに一つ目の博士論文をUniversal ServiceとAmartya Senの開発学の視点で書きました。博論を書き始めた頃、笹川平和財団の幹部が入れ替わり、私は意見を求められミクロネシアの海洋安全保障事業を私の発案で私が一人で立ち上げる事になったことは、博論を書き終えるのに8年もかかった理由の一つです。
PEACESATには実に個性的な人物が集っていました。しかしLori Mukaida女史の情熱がなければ冷戦終結期の米国政府を動かす事はできなかったでしょう。米国政府は潮が引くように太平洋から消えていった時期でした。1992年2月、今から32年前ですが、雪が降る仙台会議に集まった100人を超える太平洋島嶼国の人々の姿を忘れる事はできません。
早川理恵子 博士