やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa



元駐日大使・中国国務委員兼外交部部長王毅の日本語講演「日中両国更なる経済文化交流と観光発展を目指して」 全収録 2007.2.7 - YouTube



  • 日中は2000年の交流の歴史がある。
  • 高野山を訪ねた話。中国の唐の時代に戻った感覚。空海が中国から持ち帰ったもの。
  • 長崎の福江島の話。中国に渡る玄関。西高野山というお寺がある。「虚往実来」の空海の筆
  • 日本は中国に学んできたが、近代は中国が日本に学ぶようになった。
  • 多くの青年が日本に来て、最新の知識、技術を学んだ。政治・経済・社会主義・資本主義・共産党という言葉も日本から。
  • 日本が西洋列強の真似をしてアジア支配を狙い戦争があった。両国の国民はそれを望んでいなかった。
  • 田中総理と?総理によって国交正常化実現。両国の交流の伝統が再開。
  • 日中は大変な変化が起こった。
  • 以前10億ドルだった貿易は2000億米ドルに 
  • 日本の企業が4万の事業を開始。8割が黒字。
  • 450万人が両国を往来。JALだけでも週271便の飛行機が両国を結んでいる。姉妹都市関係は300以上。
  • 1970年代から始まった日本のODAは3兆円。感謝しているが日本の企業進出に役立っている。
  • 中国の2万ヘクタールの砂漠の緑化に成功した遠山正瑛の話を紹介。6歳の福原愛、卓球
  • 選手を支援したのは中国。
  • 経済開発は進んでいるが問題は8億人の農民。彼らに経済力がないと中国は伸びない。中国政府最大の課題。農民の税金を廃止した。中国5千年の歴史で初めての事。農民の子供の学費を無料に。インフラ整備を優先。
  • 膨大な人口を、優秀な労働人口にすること。
  • 経済成長に伴う、エネルギー政策、環境破壊・公害問題対策。
  • 中国の平均の税は9.9% 。インドネシア、インドは30%以上。
  • 中国が巨大化し覇権国になる可能性はない。国際社会の一員として責任を取っている。
  • 中国の本質は「和を唱える」「戰をしない」という仏教の教え
  • 鄭和の航海は西洋の植民と違う。「武」は矛を止める。武とは戦わないこと。
  • 日中が東アジアの主導権を争っているというのは正しくない。アセアンコンセンサスを尊重
  • アジア、世界の調和を中国は目指す。日中関係はその上で重要。2006年安倍総理中国訪問は重要だった。
  • 2006年には3400万人の中国人が海外へ。日本には80万しか来ていない。1割の340万は日本に来てほしい。(コロナ前は1千万!)
  • 中国ではスキーがブーム。欧州に行くより日本が近い。青少年交流、文化交流を促進しよう。日本の俳優、高倉健は中国のどんな僻地での知られている。(ヤクザ映画?)
  • 中国に自由はある。新聞は1800、雑誌は8000
  • 日中の地方自治体の交流促進。

During New Year's Day, while following news of the Noto Peninsula earthquake, I saw a speech in Japanese by Foreign Minister Wang Yi, which had been on my mind for some time: it was a commemorative speech on the 35th anniversary of the normalisation of diplomatic relations in 2007. He was Ambassador to Japan at the time.

His Japanese is almost perfect!

Japan and China have a 2000-year history of exchange.

Talk about his visit to Koyasan. A feeling of being back in the Tang Dynasty in China. What Kukai brought back from China.

The story of Fukue Island, Nagasaki. Gateway to cross over to China. There is a temple called West Koyasan. Kukai's writing in "Empty on departures to Truth Return".

Japan has learnt from China, but in modern times China has learnt from Japan.

Many young men came to Japan to learn the latest knowledge and technology. The Chinese charactor words politics, economy, socialism, capitalism and the Communist Party also came from Japan.

There was a war in which Japan imitated the Western powers and aimed to dominate Asia. The people of both countries did not want that.

Normalisation of diplomatic relations achieved by Prime Minister Tanaka. The tradition of exchange between the two countries resumed.

China and Japan have undergone tremendous changes.
Trade from previously USD 1 billion to USD 200 billion. 
40,000 Japanese companies have started operations; 80% are profitable.
4.5 million people travel between the two countries; JAL alone flies 271 times a week between the two countries. More than 300 sister city relationships.
Japanese ODA, which began in the 1970s, amounts to 3 trillion yen. We are grateful for it, but it has helped Japanese companies to expand.

The story of Masaaki Toyama, who successfully greened 20,000 hectares of desert in China, is introduced.
China supported 6-year-old Ai Fukuhara, a table tennis player.

Economic development is progressing, but the problem is the 800 million farmers. Without their economic power, China will not grow. The biggest challenge for the Chinese government. Abolished taxes on peasants. This is the first time in China's 5,000-year history. Free school fees for peasants' children. Prioritising infrastructure development.

Turning the huge population into a highly qualified workforce.

Energy policy and measures to combat environmental destruction and pollution problems associated with economic growth.

The average tax rate in China is 9.9%. Indonesia and India are over 30%.

China is not likely to become a hegemonic country as it grows to a huge size. It is taking responsibility as a member of the international community.

China's essence is the Buddhist teaching of "Championing harmony" and "not fighting war".

Zheng He's voyages were different from Western colonisation. '武' means stopping the contradiction. 武 means not to fight.

It is incorrect to say that China and Japan are fighting for the leadership of East Asia. Respect the ASEAN consensus.

China aims for harmony in Asia and the world. The 2006 visit of Prime Minister Abe to China was important.

In 2006, 34 million Chinese went abroad. Only 800,000 came to Japan; 10%, or 3.4 million, should come to Japan. (10 million came to Japan, before COVID!).

Skiing is booming in China. Japan is closer than Europe. Promote youth and cultural exchange. Japanese actor Ken Takakura is known in every remote part of China. (Yakuza films?).

There is freedom in China. 1,800 newspapers, 8,000 magazines.

Promote exchange between local authorities in Japan and China.


「日中関係はジェットコースターではなく普通列車で」垂秀夫駐中国大使離任会見【ノーカット】|TBS NEWS DIG - YouTube


