やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa


国連BBNJ PrepCom4

第4回準備委員会(国連BBNJ PrepCom4)国家管轄権外の海域における生物多様性(BBNJ)が2017年7月10ー21日開催された。


Advance, unedited version of the Report of the Preparatory Committee established by General Assembly resolution 69/292 (adopted on 21 July 2017) http://www.un.org/depts/los/biodiversity/prepcom_files/Procedural_report_of_BBNJ_PrepCom.pdf

カナダのInternational Institute for Sustainable Development というNGOが詳細な報告書を出している。

Summary Highlights of the Meeting


昨日ざっと見たが、途上国が権利や利益を主張し、先進国がその基準について疑問を提示。そんな印象を受けた。 PSIDS Pacific Small Islands Development States という太平洋島嶼国のグループが主にニュージーランドの支持を受けて海洋の利益、権利を主張している。 いったいどのような実施協定になるのか? 太平洋島嶼国の主張の一つがTraditional Knowledge。

ロシアがTraditional Knowledgeって管轄圏外とどのように関係しているの?て疑問をなげかけているけど、その通りだと思う。(下記、下線の部分)

他の国は、日本はどのように考えているのか? Traditional Knowledgeが協定の残るのだろうか?

Traditional Knowledge: The G-77/China recommended including respect for traditional knowledge. PSIDS emphasized incorporating traditional knowledge in best available scientific information, drawing on the CBD Akwé: Kon Guidelines on socio-cultural and environmental assessments as a model; and providing financial assistance and capacity building for conducting EIAs. New Zealand supported reference to traditional knowledge, with the Russian Federation questioning how traditional knowledge could be applicable to ABNJ



Science-based approach, using the best available scientific information and knowledge, including traditional knowledge; The text would set out a process for coordination and consultations on the proposal with relevant global, regional and sectoral bodies, all States, including adjacent coastal States, and other relevant stakeholders, including scientists, industry, civil society, traditional knowledge holders and local communities. impact prediction and evaluation, using the best available scientific information, including traditional knowledge; dissemination of information, data and knowledge resulting from research relating to marine genetic resources of areas beyond national jurisdiction, information on traditional knowledge associated with marine genetic resources of areas beyond national jurisdiction, as well as other relevant information related to marine genetic resources; dissemination of information on environmental impact assessments, such as by providing a central repository for reports of environmental impact assessments, traditional knowledge, best environmental management practices and cumulative impacts;