やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa


インド太平洋とツツガムシ/大東亜戦争 Indo-Pacific & Tsutsuga-mushi/ Greater East Asia War

Ni-Vanuatu (バヌアツ人のことをVanuatuanとは呼びません)の友人のおかげでインド太平洋に生息する恙虫の存在を初めて知る機会を得た。

明治になって初めてドイツ人医師のErwin Bälz によって研究に着手。その後北里柴三郎も研究に挑戦した恙虫。その後多くの日本人医師とスタッフが命を牲にしてその解明に努力した。長年、人の命を奪うダニの存在は知られており、東北地方の米生産地からその対策が切願されていたのだ。






Thanks to a friend Ni-Vanuatu ( people from Vanuatu are not called Vanuatuan), I had the first opportunity to learn about the existence of tsutsugamushi bugs in the IndoPacific.

Only in Meiji period the German medical doctor Erwin Bälz initiated research on the subject. Later, Shibasaburo Kitasato also tried his hand at researching tsutsugamushi. Many Japanese doctors and staff subsequently sacrificed their lives in an effort to elucidate it. For many years, the existence of the deadly flea had been known, and the rice-growing areas of the Tohoku region had long been calling for measures to combat the insect.

This research came to a halt during the Second World War. From Japan's point of view, this was the Greater East Asia War. Doctors who had been studying tsutsugamushi were dispatched to the region as military doctors and contributed to the fight against tropical insects. On the other hand, the US and Australian military had no knowledge of tsutsugamushi, and in New Guinea alone, some 9,000 people were bitten by tsutsugamushi and some 500 people lost their lives.

Japanese research on tsutsugamushi, which had led the world in tsutsugamushi research, took another major step forward after the war when the US had asked to cooperate. Medical drugs were found and further tsutsugamushi ecology was elucidated.

When I travel across the Pacific Island countries, I am plagued by insects. The only thing I was afraid of was the malaria mosquito, but tsutsugamushi bugs are widespread in the Asia-Pacific. The work of my Ni-Vanuatu friend will open a new page in tsutsugamushi research.