やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa


Japan-US alliance and Micronesia maritime security project

2つ目の修士号のご指導をいただいた渡辺昭夫教授 先生との出会いがなければミクロネシア海洋安全保障事業のアイデアさえ浮かばなかった

2022年、フランスの国際問題研究所(IFRI)アジア事業責任者であるCeline Pajon女史から太平洋島嶼国の海洋安全保障について講義を受けたいとの要請を受け、1時間位の基本的な海洋問題を説明する機会があった。この結果、パラオの資源省大臣を招いた海洋保護区に関係した国際会議を開催することができた。







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In 2022, Ms Celine Pajon, Head of Asia Projects at the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI), requested me to give a lecture on maritime security in Pacific Island countries and I had the opportunity to explain basic maritime issues for about an hour. This resulted in the holding of an international conference related to marine protected areas with the Palauan Minister of Natural Resources.

Ms Pajon's report on Japan's policy towards Pacific island states in March 2023 again raised questions and I provided considerable information. Surprisingly, however, the Micronesian Maritime Security Project, which I launched, was mentioned in the report, but I was not asked about it. Moreover, I found out the information from a Japanese person who was not involved in this project, and the content of the information was nothing but lies.


I would like to write down how the Micronesian Maritime Security Project started, which led to the Abe administration's Indo-Pacific initiative and the Maritime Self-Defence Force's maritime security activities, not for the purpose of revealing my achievements, but because I am the only one who knows how the project was proposed, launched and promoted by myself.


There were several triggers, but it was around February 2008 that Admiral Keating of the Pacific Command, Hawaii, pointed out China's ambitions to expand into the Pacific at a public hearing, which made the news. In response to this, Yohei Sasakawa decided he wanted to write Opinion and asked for my opinion. I want to make it clear that Sasakawa is interested in the Pacific island countries but knows nothing about them. This is not a personal attack. He has a lot of things to deal with, from running the motorboat racing, to dealing with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, to managing related organisations.

So I suggested a maritime project targeting the Micronesian region, which has close relations with the US. I studied my master's degree in international politics under Professor Akio Watanabe, a leading figure in Japanese security affairs. Naturally, I had in mind a multilateral security policy based on the US-Japan alliance, namely the Higuchi Report written by Professor Watanabe in 1994. The Japan-US alliance was a unilateral relationship in which the US protected Japan but Japan remained powerless to do anything about it. I had in mind the idea of moving this in Micronesia, which is a strategic region of the United States and was once Japan.

A newspaper article in Sasakawa's name appeared in Opinion, which proposed an maritime project centred on Micronesia. But it was my idea who worked for Microneisa subregional cooperation framework for more than 10 years.