やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa


National Security and Self-Determination: United States Policy in Micronesia (1961-1972)

It seems wrong for me, as a Japanese, to describe the Free Association Agreement with the Micronesian region involving the Americans. However. I have dared to write about it because some of my American friends have welcomed the information.



Howard P. Willens, ‪Deanne C. Siemer, “National Security and Self-Determination: United States Policy in Micronesia (1961-1972)”


Kiste, Robert C. 2001. Review of National Security and Self-Determination: United States Policy in Micronesia (1961-1972), by Howard P Willens and Deanne C Siemer. Special issue, The Contemporary Pacific 13 (2): 587-90.



It should be required reading for anyone discussing the Micronesian Free Association Agreement. The paper is based on a survey of documents and 136 field interviews. I thought about re-reading it, but I don't have the enrgy and time at the moment. There was a review of the book by the late Professor Robert Kiste of the University of Hawaii.

There are many important passages, but the following is probably Kennedy's National Security Action Memorandum 145.

April 1962, Kennedy issued National Security Action Memorandum 145

The two-page document was highly confidential and remained tightly under wraps for many years. The executive branch thought it unlikely that the trust territory “could ever become a viable independent nation,” and suggested that Micronesians “must become an educated people, prepared to exercise an informed choice, which means a choice by peo- ple capable of weighing the realistic alternatives.” From the American point of view the most realistic alter- native was for the islands to “move into a new and lasting relationship to the United States within our political framework” (30).


 And the following is an important perspective at a time when the US and Micronesia are currently reviewing the Free Association and the US territories of the Northern Mariana Islands and Guam are reviewing their military relationship with the US.

Willens and Siemer provide an even-handed, rich, and detailed account of the negotiations between the Americans and the Micronesians for the decade under review. The dis- cussion is not an abstract or distant account of the maneuverings of face- less government agencies. Rather, patronage and other motives internal to American politics behind the appointment of some key American officials are discussed. The individuals most directly involved on both sides are portrayed in considerable depth. The authors provide a good sense of the hard-fought contest over issues of vital importance to all concerned. The Americans were often frustrated by the differences among themselves, and the falling-out among Micronesians was obviously painful. The processes that make history are laid bare, and the importance of individuals in shap- ing that history is made evident.


ミクロネシアの自由連合協定を議論する人には必読書であろう。資料調査と136人の現地でのインタビューを基盤にした論文である。再読しようかと思ったがそのエンルギーと時間がない。ハワイ大学の故Rober Kiste教授の書評があった。











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