やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa




Impactful mateship: strengthening the US–Australia defence relationship | The Strategist

この報告書、あまり話題になっていないのだが、AUKUS, QUAD, 日米同盟、日豪防衛協力等々を進める上で重要だと思われる。

調査をしたのはAlan W. Throop(米陸軍大佐)。ASPIの米陸軍士官学校フェロー。





  • 米国の国防組織のほとんどのアメリカ人は、オーストラリアをアメリカのように見ている
  • 米国の指導層の多くは、オーストラリアが米国の8%の人口しかないことを理解していないと思う
  • 米国の防衛当局は、人口の約90%がたった6つの沿岸都市に住んでいることをおそらく理解していない





A report from ASPI shows that the US-Australia alliance, which speaks the same language, actually has bigger barriers, while the US-Japan alliance, which speaks a different language, is doing better.



This report has not been widely discussed, but it seems to be important in promoting AUKUS, QUAD, the Japan-US alliance, Japan-Australia defense cooperation, and so on.

The study was conducted by Alan W. Throop (Colonel, U.S. Army), a U.S. Military Academy Fellow at ASPI.


When I launched Micronesian Maritime Security in 2008, it was the Australian Department of Defense that radically opposed it. Micronesia is a strategic region of the United States. I believed that it would be a good idea if the United States agreed, so I confirmed the intention of Commander Keating of Pacific Command and had the presidents of the three Micronesian nations write letters to then Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill, and received a response of consent.

My Canberra commute to Australia to appease the Australians began, and it led me to learn the reality of the Australian Department of Defense. The 12 U.S. military personnel interviewed in this report probably spoke only with the barest of intentions, in the face of the Australian military.

Let me introduce a few of the interesting answers.

• ‘Most Americans in the [US] defense establishment view Australia like America.’
• ‘I don’t think a lot of US leadership understand that Australia has only 8% of the population of the United States.’
• ‘The US defense establishment doesn’t probably realize about 90% of the population lives in just six coastal cities ... and there is largely a lack of population in the vast majority of the country itself.’

And what is interesting is that he proposes to apply the structure of the U.S.-Japan alliance to mutual understanding of the U.S.-Australia alliance. For the United States, Japan is a closer and more dependable ally than Australia. The report also includes a section on the U.S. military's attempts to ignore Australian sovereignty. There is no need to worry about that in Japan.

In fact, when I launched the Micronesian Maritime Security Project in 2008, I knew that the U.S. wanted to rely on Japan. That is why I went ahead with this project.

Pacific Commander Keating said at the time, "Japan is the only country that can protect this vast Pacific Ocean. But it is the United States that has tied Japan's hands and feet. He told the presidential aide in Palau that "Japan's hands and feet were tied by the United States.