やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa


BBNJ PrepCom4 ー Adjacency・隣接性

BBNJの議論 PSIDSが伝統知識とセットで主張しているのがAdjacency・隣接性だ。


もし隣接性が優先されると内陸開発途上国(Landlocked Developing Country, LLDC)に不利になるという議論だったような気がする。




Vol. 25 No. 141 Online at: http://enb.iisd.org/oceans/bbnj/prepcom4/ Monday, 24 July 2017

PrepCom 4 FINAL 10-21 JULY 2017

The fourth session of the Preparatory Committee http://enb.iisd.org/download/pdf/enb25141e.pdf

Adjacency: PSIDS, supported by New Zealand, and opposed by the US, Singapore, the Republic of Korea and Switzerland and China, requested including the adjacency principle to address the interests of adjacent coastal states, with the Cook Islands stressing that activities in ABNJ should not impact activities within national jurisdiction, illustrating the recent designation of the Marae Moana marine park. The Philippines requested inclusion of adaptive management, adjacency and connectivity as principles, emphasizing consultation with adjacent coastal states. Mauritius, with the Philippines, stressed best scientific advice and the need to ensure that ABMTs are designated in consultation with adjacent states. Samoa supported adjacency and, with Chile, compatibility. Japan argued that compatibility could undermine respect for states’ sovereign rights. China reiterated the principle of due regard, which Argentina considered vague. The African Group preferred “due diligence” instead of “adjacency.” Australia, supported by Norway, highlighted that adjacency is referenced in relation to ABMTs, but could apply in other areas of the ILBI. Senegal recommended including connectivity as a separate approach, with Guinea also proposing transboundary cooperation.