やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa



SUIDANI HITS BACK - Solomon Star News



“It is just sad that the PM is using the floor of the parliament to put the blame on him when the leadership crisis in this country has been there for the past decades.”


He said a classic example of poor leadership is the big time failure to act on the Townsville Peace Agreement (TPA) for the past 21 years.





Dr. Tarcisius Tara Kabutaulaka. A WEAK STATE AND THE SOLOMON ISLANDS PEACE PROCESS. East-West Center Working Papers, Pacific Islands Development Series, No. 14. Honolulu: East-West Center and Center for Pacific Islands Studies, University of Hawaii at Manoa. April 2002



The challenge of nation-building became clear at the time of independence (7 July 1978), when the Western Solomons threatened to secede and either form its own nation-state or join the neighboring island of Bougainville, which then was also demanding secession from Papua New Guinea (and was recently granted autonomy). 


元首相ソロモン・ママロニは、ソロモン諸島を「考え出されたが生まれなかった国」と表現したことがある(1992, 14)。独立10周年を記念して書いた文章では、「ソロモン諸島やソロモン諸島共同体は、国家であったことはなく、これからも国家になることはないだろう」と述べている(1992, 10)。人類学者のChristine Jourdanも、国家意識は新しい現象であると認めています。

Former Prime Minister Solomon Mamaloni once described the Solomons as a “nation conceived but never born” (1992, 14). Writing to commemorate the tenth anniversary of independence, he stated, “Solomon Islands or the Solomon Islands Community has never been a nation and will never be a nation and will never become one” (1992, 10). Anthropologist Christine Jourdan has also acknowledged that national consciousness is a new phenomenon:


It would be naive to conclude that the violence on Guadalcanal occurred simply because of ethnic differences and a weak national consciousness. Apart from issues of nationalism, the British left behind a group of islands largely undeveloped and an economy dependent almost entirely on the exploitation of natural resources by foreign multinational companies. Infrastructural development was concentrated around Honiara, the national capital, located on the northern coast of Guadalcanal and built out of what remained of a World War II US Air Force base.


They own only a 2 percent share in the company, compared to 68 percent owned by the British-registered Commonwealth Development Corporation and 30 percent owned by the Solomon Islands Government. In addition to shares in the company, landowners annually receive SI$100 per hectare as land rental and SI$500 per hectare as premium.
In past years, despite persistent efforts by landowning groups to increase their benefits, the government and the Commonwealth Development Corporation did not respond positively. Instead, they acquired more land over the years.


土地と天然資源開発の問題は、ガダルカナルやアブラヤシプランテーションに限ったことではなく、ソロモン諸島の至る所で見られます。例えば、セントラル・アイランド州のラッセル諸島では、1800年代後半にイギリスの登録企業であるレヴァース・パシフィック社が土地を取得し、ココナッツ・プランテーションを開発したことで、国家と市民社会の対立が生じた。パブブ島の土地をめぐる争いは、1985年にマレーシア籍の伐採会社マーヴィン・ブラザーズ・ティンバーが島の伐採を開始したことから始まった。それ以前にも、レヴァース・パシフィック社の子会社であるレヴァース・パシフィック・ティンバー社が、1981年にニュージョージア州北部のエノガエで土地所有者と暴力的な対立を起こしていた。それ以前にも、レヴァース・パシフィック社の子会社であるレヴァース・パシフィック・ティンバー社が、1981年にニュージョージア州北部のエノガエで土地所有者と暴力的な対立を起こしていた。この問題が特に顕著になったのは、伐採などの産業が目立つようになった1980年代から1990年代にかけてで、国の役人と多国籍(主にアジア)の伐採会社が協力していた(Bennett 2000)。

The issues of land and natural resource development are not confined to Guadalcanal and the oil palm plantation, but are found throughout the Solomon Islands. In the Russell Islands in Central Islands Province, for example, the acquisition of land and the development of coconut plantations in the late 1800s by Levers Pacific—another British-registered company—contributed toward confrontations between the state and civil society. A dispute over land on Pavuvu Island emerged when Marving Brothers Timber, a Malaysian-registered logging company, began logging the island in 1985. Prior to that, Levers Pacific Timber, a subsidiary of Levers Pacific, had been involved in a violent confrontation in 1981 with landowners at Enoghae in northern New Georgia. The issues became especially pronounced in the 1980s and 1990s, when industries such as logging became prominent and involved collaboration between state officials and multinational (mostly Asian) logging companies (Bennett 2000).


ガダルカナルの人々は、不満を抑えきれなくなっていた。1988年、ホニアラの裏手にあるマウント・オースチンで起きた複数の殺人事件の後、多くの人々がデモを行い、連邦政府制度の設立や、"国内移民の圧力を軽減するための早急な措置 "などを要求しました。1980年代後半から1990年代にかけて、ホニアラは国の問題を反映する町としての性格を強めていった。例えば1989年、ホニアラでは、マライタの若者とレネルやベローナの若者が対立して暴動が起きた。警察の記録によると、巻き込まれた者のほとんどが失業中の若者だったという。

Ten years after independence, the people of Guadalcanal could no longer contain
their frustration. In 1988 many of them demonstrated after the multiple murders at Mt Austin, behind Honiara, and demanded, among other things, the establishment of a federal system of government and that “immediate steps be taken to reduce the pressure of internal migration.” Increasingly in the late 1980s and 1990s Honiara became a town that reflected the country’s national problems. In 1989, for example, a riot broke out in Honiara after confrontations between Malaita youths and those from Rennell and Bellona. Police records indicate that most of those involved were unemployed youth.



Although it managed to stop overt violence between the two militant groups, the Townsville Peace Agreement had numerous weaknesses. First, it assumed that the parties to the conflict were strong cohesive entities with a clear chain of command and therefore able to implement the requirements of the agreement. This was not entirely the case. After the agreement was signed, divisions emerged within the Malaita Eagle Force and the Isatabu Freedom Movement that gave a new dimension and character to the crisis.



Second, the agreement attempted to address more issues than were within the
power of the parties involved. For example, it stipulated that development projects be established on Guadalcanal and Malaita. These were issues of government policy and could not have been dictated or implemented by two militant organizations. The agreement should have concentrated on addressing the cessation of violence and hostility between the two parties.


Third, the issues of justice and accountability were ignored. Those who engaged in criminal activities during the crisis were not apprehended or held accountable in a meaningful way. Instead, they were given blanket amnesty and not even required to apologize to the nation. The signal was that committing a crime did not involve serious consequences. Justice was not seen as an important component of the peace process.

第4に、タウンズビル和平合意への参加者は、2つの過激派グループと政府に限られていた。議論された問題は、この3者の関心事だけを反映したものであり、必ずしも国全体の関心事を代表するものではなかった。教会、非政府組織、女性、その他の市民社会グループなど、ソロモン諸島の他のメンバーは代表権を持たなかったのである。この協定のその他の弱点については、平和監視評議会の 政府は、国家機関が崩壊していたこともあり、多くの問題に対処する能力を持っていませんでした。

Fourth, participation in the Townsville Peace Agreement was limited to the two militant groups and the government. The issues discussed reflected only the interests of those three parties and did not necessarily represent the concerns of the entire country. Other members of the Solomon Islands community—churches, nongovernment organizations, women, and other civil society groups—were denied representation. Other weaknesses of the agreement are outlined in the Peace Monitoring Council’s of government did not have the capacity to address a number of the issues, partly because state institutions had collapsed.



In functional terms the state is often expected to perform the tasks described by Adam Smith as the “three duties of the sovereign”: defense, policing, and the construction of public works that would be unprofitable for the private sector but of benefit to society. The state has the responsibility to defend citizens from both internal and external threats and to ensure that there is law and order in society—to develop and impose uniform rules and norms of behavior within the society. The state is also expected to build and maintain roads, bridges, airports, and other infrastructure that facilitates socioeconomic development.




lack of finance, but the poor institutional culture. The force is unable to function coherently because of divisions along ethnic lines, self-interest, and the failure to discipline police officers who were involved in criminal activities. Money will not resolve these problems. Putting more money into the police might well enhance some officers’ involvement in criminal activities and strengthen the position of those undisciplined officers who have been promoted to senior levels. Pouring money into such an institution is like putting a bandaid on a tropical ulcer. Moreover, any attempt to restore public confidence must begin with the removal of the criminal element from the police force. Institutional change is necessary, in terms of both the structure of the force and the individuals in it.



As the conflict intensified, the economy declined to the verge of bankruptcy, a process exacerbated by the closure of major industries such as the oil palm plantation and Gold Ridge mine on Guadalcanal, and the Solomon Taiyo fish cannery at Noro, Western Province. Investors and potential investors were reluctant to put money into the Solomons. In March 2001 the governor of the Central Bank of Solomon Islands was reported as saying that “the country is just weeks away from economic collapse.”


In retrospect, the decision to pay compensation and the manner in which it was done was counterproductive and worked against the long-term objectives of achieving peace and facilitating development. Although compensation is a significant aspect of conflict resolution in many Solomon Islands cultures, the amount of money involved and the manner in which payments were made following the coup were unlike any traditional practice, wherein compensation is usually paid in the course of other ceremonies that facilitate the restoration of relationships. Compensation is only one component of such a ceremony. In contrast the compensations paid in recent months legitimated a “culture of compensation” that was often associated with threats.


The weakness of the Solomons state raises questions about its ability to create or impose law and order, as well as its potential significance in the peace process.
First, if the state is as weak as portrayed here, then why does it matter that certain individuals control state institutions? The answer is partly that the state still has some resources (including trained paramilitary personnel and weapons, as well as money). When used by the conflicting parties, these can contribute to a worsening of the conflict as occurred in mid-2000. 


However, much of this money was channeled to non-state organizations and individuals who use the state as a front to further non-state interests. The state is weak in terms of its ability to perform its obligations but is still useful to those who control it as a front for international recognition. It will not collapse and disappear, even though it no longer performs proper functions and because it is in the interest of those who survive on it to give an impression that there is a state in place. It further serves the interests of neighbors and other international parties to behave as if there is a functioning state in Solomon Islands. Taiwan, for example, is counting on its vote in the United Nations. In a speech to the UN General Assembly in November 2001, caretaker Prime Minister Sogavare reiterated the Solomon Islands government’s support for Taiwan’s admission to the United Nations (Solomon Star, 16 Nov 2001).


Third, the role of civil society was undermined by armed militants’ intimidation of members. Matthew Wale, a prominent figure in civil society, was attacked by MEF militants because he questioned their authority in Honiara. His house was destroyed, and he and his family had to temporarily leave the country in September 2000. The acting director of the University of the South Pacific’s Honiara Centre, Julian Treadaway, was also attacked after he planned a seminar on the issue of amnesty to militants and those who had participated in the crisis. 


During the review of the implementation of the Townsville Peace Agreement, the former MEF commanders strongly objected to civil society participation, primarily because they feared that civil society would question the legitimacy of the events of June 2000, question the amnesty issue, and demand that truth be revealed about people’s participation in the crisis. Although it was eventually agreed that civil society would be allowed to participate in the discussions, but not in the drawing up of resolutions, most civil society representatives withdrew following the assault on Wale.


Since the signing of the Townsville Peace Agreement, guns have been used in demands for compensation, threats to state officials, killings, and other criminal activities. The weakness of the state leaves it in no position to address this law-and- order problem, which has been further exacerbated by the disintegration of the police force. The state is unable to effectively enforce the law. The reengagement of many police officers who participated in the forceful overthrow of the Ulufa‘alu government poses doubts about the loyalty of the force. 


In Guadalcanal, more high-powered rifles were in the hands of militants after the signing of the Townsville Peace Agreement than at the height of the crisis in 2000. Most of these guns were either sold to former IFM members or transferred to them by police officers and former MEF members. Many of the rifles are now being used to settle local conflicts between factions on the island.