やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa



Are Marine Protected Areas a relevant tool for the Pacific? | IFRI - Institut français des relations internationales


🇫🇷のシンクタンクFrench Institute for International Relationsが主催するウェビナーが6月21日に開催される。MPA-海洋保護区がテーマで、講演者を当方が紹介した。パラオのウィップス大統領である。4月にパラオで開催された海洋会議は、地元メディアと笹川陽平の干渉を受け、ひどいものになった事はメディアでも報道されているようにウィップス大統領の怒りの記者会見で周知された。

パラオのEEZ80%を商業漁業禁止にするという国連海洋法条約にも疑義のある、ある意味絵に描いた餅、単なる金融制度の海洋保護区をレメンゲサウ政権で制度化してしまった。これをウィップス政権になって修正し、先日パラオ下院議会で承認された。Blue Prosperity Plan ー海洋繁栄計画。70%を漁業に解放し、科学データを重視した制度である。さらにパラオ大統領令で進められ、これも当方が関与してきた国家安全保障戦略が発表された。海洋保護区、監視なしでは「絵に書いた餅」なのである。6月21日の会議にはこの事業を直接担当されている農水環境省スティーブン・ビクター大臣が講演されることになった。ニューカレドニアのSPCが共催。

主催者のFrench Institute for International Relations - IfrIはセリーヌ・パジョン女史が担当者で当日は議長をつとめる。彼女は日本海上保安庁法25条の問題点を論文にまとめており一時情報交換をさせていただいた。今回のウェビナー開催に向けて2時間ほど海洋問題を中心に議論をする機会をいただいた。当方からいかに島嶼国が不釣り合いなEEZを持っており、管理も開発もできないず、広大な無法海域が形成されているかも話した。その話が反映されているような会議の説明文がある。機械訳を下記にはる。






This is a topic related to our second doctoral dissertation, " Ocean Governance of Pacific Island Countries", which I am currently working on.

MPAs - Marine Protected Areas is the topic of a webinar to be held on June 21 by the French Institute for International Relations, a think tank of France, and I introduced the speaker. The President of Palau, Mr. Whipps, made it known in his furious press conference that the Ocean Conference held in Palau in April was badly interfered with by the local media and Yohei Sasakawa, as reported in the media.

The Remengesau administration came to establish a marine protected area, which is a mere financial system, and in a sense, just a pie in the sky that is questionable under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, which bans commercial fishing in 80% of Palau's EEZ. The Whips administration has since amended this system, which was recently approved by the Palau House of delegates: the Blue Prosperity Plan, a system that frees up 70% of the ocean for fishing and places a high priority on scientific data. In addition, a National Security Strategy was released, which is being promoted by Palau's Presidential Executive Order and in which I have also been involved. The June 21 meeting will be addressed by HE Steven Victor, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Environment, who is directly in charge of this project. The SPC of New Caledonia is co-sponsoring the conference.

The French Institute for International Relations (IfrI), the organizer of the conference, is represented by Ms. Celine Pajon, who will chair the conference. She has written a paper on the issues of Article 25 of the JCG Law and we had a brief exchange of information. In preparation for the webinar, we had an opportunity to discuss maritime issues for about two hours. I talked about how island countries have disproportionate EEZs, which they cannot manage or develop, and how vast lawless sea areas are formed. The following is a description of the meeting that seems to reflect this discussion.

Finally. I do not deny the "pie in the sky" marine protected areas. Japanese people know about Hideyoshi's overnight castle. I believe it was mentioned in Sun's Art of War. When a small country like Palau or Kiribati declares its vast EEZ a complete no-take zone, the world's media, celebrities, and billionaires react. The world's media, celebrities, and billionaires do not know the ocean, but they do know the true meaning of "pie in the sky" marine protected areas. The media is not interested in the reality-facing, science-focused ocean governance announced by the Palauan government. Why? Because the public is too stupid.