やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa



France in the Indo Pacific/Japan France maritime cooperation







参考  太平洋における日仏防衛協力 - La France au Japon


1858 年に日仏修好通商条約が締結された。19 世紀後半に蚕の伝染病が蔓延。ヨーロッパ全土で蚕が全滅したのでナポレオン三世がロッシュ全権公使を日本へ派遣し支援を求めた。徳川家茂は、要請に答え蚕の輸出禁止を解き、 ナポレオン三世宛てに15,000箱の蚕卵紙を贈呈。日本は蚕の輸出と引き換えに、フランスから派遣された軍事顧問団と、横須賀製鉄所、富岡製糸場を開発し近代化を進めることとなった。

参考「パリの日本大使館員がフランスで見つけた日本」65. 徳川家茂とナポレオン三世(2021 年6月 15 日)  https://www.fr.emb-japan.go.jp/files/100200552.pdf







1960 年に創立された日仏海洋学会2020 年に 60 周年を迎えコロナの影響で2021年記念シンポジウムが開催された。

海洋学における日仏の交流史として、1958 年フランスの深海探査艇(バチスカーフと呼ばれる)の FNRS-3 号が来日。佐々木忠義 東京水産大学教授が乗船し、潜航に成功したことが挙げられる。日仏海洋学会はこれを機に設立。 1960 年代中頃に、フランスにおけるカキの大量斃死があり、日仏海洋学会会員今井丈夫東北大学教授らが三陸のカキ稚貝輸出に取り組み日本のマガキ稚貝がフランスのカキ養 殖の危機を救った。2011 年 3 月 11 日に大津波の被害にあった三陸のカキ養殖業者に対しフランスの研究者やカキ養殖業者から援助の手があった。

1974 年 7 月に日本政府とフランス政府は、日仏科学技術協定を締結し、その下で日仏海洋開 発専門部会が発足。約 2 年ごとに部会を日仏両政府は交代で開催し、現在も日仏間の海洋科学・水産学分野の研究の促進を進めている。

日仏政府間で海洋対話が開始。2019 年 9 月 20 日に第一回日仏海洋対話がヌメアで開催さた。仏日海洋学会会員のイヴ・エノック氏らの尽力で、海洋研究開発機構とフランス海洋開発研究所間の覚え書きに基づいて、ニューカレドニア周辺の海山研究を行うことなった。このほかに、日仏・仏日海洋学会は、日仏それぞれの知恵と技術を結集し、海洋の持続的な開発を実現しようとい う「自然と文化」プロジェクトを準備している。


French-Japanese maritime cooperation linked by silkworms and oysters

I would like to make a note on French-Japanese relations with a focus on the maritime sector.

French-Japanese Relations Tied by Silkworms

The Maritime Self-Defense Force (MSDF) conducted the fourth Japan-France joint training exercise "Ogri Verny" in 2022. The "Ogri-Verny" was named after the French naval engineer François Léonce Verny (1837-1908), who constructed the Yokosuka Ironworks (later Yokosuka Naval Arsenal) with Tadamasa Oguri of the Tokugawa Shogunate. To commemorate this event, Yokosuka and Brest (in northwestern France) concluded a sister city affiliation in November 1970.

Reference: French-Japanese Defense Cooperation in the Pacific - La France au Japon

According to Wiki, François Léonce Verny helped modernize Japan by guiding the construction of the Yokosuka Arsenal, Yokosuka Naval Facility docks, lighthouses, and other modern facilities between 1865 and 1876.

In 1858, the Franco-Japanese Treaty of Amity and Commerce was signed. in the late 19th century, an epidemic of silkworm disease spread in Europe. Napoleon III sent Minister Plenipotentiary Roche to Japan to ask for assistance. Tokugawa Iemochi responded to the request, lifted the ban on the export of silkworms, and presented 15,000 boxes of silkworm egg paper to Napoleon III. In exchange for the export of silkworms, Japan developed and modernized the Yokosuka Ironworks and Tomioka Silk Mill with a military advisory mission sent from France.

Reference: "Japan found in France by Japanese Embassy staff in Paris" 65. Tokugawa Iemochi and Napoleon III (June 15, 2021)


It is interesting to note that the Franco-Japanese relationship started with silkworms and military assistance. In addition, it is mentioned in the colonial policy theory of Nitobe and others that Japan was one of the targets of Napoleon III's imperialistic colonial expansion, who died in 1973. At that time, the group that could be described as the antagonists was the Imperialists, backed by the British, the Jardine-Matheson Society, and others.


Oyster Links French-Japanese Maritime Cooperation

Oysters" linked France and Japan in maritime relations. The following is a quotation from the French-Japanese Society of Oceanography.


Founded in 1960, the French-Japanese Society of Oceanography celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2020 and held a symposium to commemorate the year 2021 under the impact of the COVID.

As for the history of exchange between Japan and France in oceanography, the French deep-sea exploration vessel (called Batiscarf), FNRS-3, visited Japan in 1958. Professor Tadayoshi Sasaki of the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology was on board and succeeded in submerging the vessel. The French-Japanese Society of Oceanography was established on this occasion.  In the mid-1960s, after a massive oyster die-off in France, a member of the French-Japanese Society of Oceanography, Professor Tsuyoshi Imai of Tohoku University, and others began exporting oyster fry from Sanriku, and Japanese oyster fry saved French oyster farming from a crisis. French researchers and oyster farmers came to the aid of oyster farmers in Sanriku, which was devastated by the tsunami of March 11, 2011.

In July 1974, the Japanese and French governments signed a French-Japanese Agreement on Science and Technology, under which the French-Japanese Subcommittee on Ocean Development was established. The two governments take turns to convene the Subcommittee approximately every two years, and the Subcommittee continues to promote research in the fields of marine science and fisheries science between Japan and France.

A maritime dialogue between the governments of France and Japan was initiated; the first France-Japan maritime dialogue was held in Nouméa on September 20, 2019. Thanks to the efforts of Yves Enoch, a member of the French-Japanese Oceanographic Society, and others, a study of seamounts around New Caledonia will be conducted under a memorandum of understanding between the JAMSTEC and the French National Institute for Ocean Development. In addition, the French-Japanese and French-French oceanographic societies are preparing the "Nature and Culture" project, which aims to realize sustainable development of the oceans by bringing together the respective wisdom and technology of Japan and France.



It is probably PM Abe who has strengthened Japan-France relations. I am also involved in this. The Japanese government has long hosted island summits with the Pacific Islands Forum as a counterpart. Starting with the 8th summit in 2018, the French territories of New Caledonia and French Polynesia will also participate. Both regions have long been observers of the Pacific Islands Forum and have been full members since 2016. I included both regions in the Island Summit precisely because the promotion of French-Japanese maritime cooperation is the foundation on which the region's maritime development, or blue economy, can be built.



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