やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa




信託、Trusteeship, の議論はここではしないが、国連憲章で米国はミクロネシア地域を戦略区に指定した。この意味は軍事的覇権を維持する事であるが、経済・社会支援は大きな課題を抱えている。





他にも米国政府は決定権を持たない小役人を交渉担当にし、主権国家の尊厳を蔑ろにするような対応だったが、Whipps大統領の強硬姿勢は米国政府を動かし、現在はホワイトハウス直轄のJoseph Yun大使が交渉官になっている。

ところで、2倍になったFAS への経済援助資金は7 billion USDである。私は当初5年分位と思っていたがなんと20年分なのだ。日本の沖縄への補助金は米軍への支援も含め1年で7 billion USDである。自民党青年局の皆さんには是非米国政府とこの地域の事を協議していただきたい。



The most important matter for the LDP Youth Division's visit to Palau is that the US is at a major turning point in maintaining relations from Trusteeship to Free Association after the US took the region from Japan in war.

Trusteeship, which I will not discuss here, is a UN Charter in which the US designated the Micronesian region as a strategic zone.
The meaning of this is to maintain military hegemony, but economic and social assistance is a major challenge.

The Free Association Agreement between the three Micronesian states and the US has an expiry date for financial assistance, but not for military engagement. (Please note that this is a simplification as I cannot go into detail.)

President Whipps of Palau has changed this trend significantly. I was in a position to know the details of the negotiations between the three Micronesian states and the US, and for two years from 2021, the Micronesian states were outraged.

As the article states, in negotiations with Secretary Blinken, Palau's President Whipps insisted that doubling the aid package and further economic assistance was integral to military engagement. This made Secretary Blinken tremble.

The result was a turnaround in the Free Association Agreement. The US doubled its aid payments to the FAS.

Not only that. Although the US Government's negotiating position with a minor official who has no decision-making power was a contemptuous response to the dignity of a sovereign state, President Whipps' strong stance has moved the US Government and Ambassador Joseph Yun, who is now directly under White House authority, has been made the negotiator.

By the way, the doubled FAS economic assistance funding is USD 7 billion. I initially thought it was about five years' worth, but it is 20 years' worth. Japan's subsidy to Okinawa is USD 7 billion a year, including support for the US military. I urge the LDP Youth Division to discuss the region with the US Government.

As President Whipps pointed out at the US hearing, the US has almost no economic ties to the region. Palau is the world's largest consumer of Japanese Kikkoman soy sauce per capita.


2nd Compact Review Agreement created fundamental change in Palau/US relationship: Farrow - Island Times