やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa




A: 私の30年の経験の中で、この地域に対する知識と情熱を持った米国政府関係者に会ったことはほとんどありません。そのうちの一人がカクテルパーティーで、アメリカ政府、特に議会はFASを日本に返還したいと考えていると話してくれました。それは半分冗談で、半分本気だった。クリントン長官がカート・キャンベルと一緒に島巡りをした後、アメリカは少しはこの地域に注目するようになったが、あまり変化はなかった。

Q: What is going on with the COFAs? What needs to be done?
A: In my 30 years of experience, I have rarely met a US government official who had knowledge and passion for this region. One of them told me at a cocktail party that the US government, especially Congress, wanted to return the FAS states to Japan. It was half in jest, half in earnest. After Secretary Clinton’s island-hopping tour with Kurt Campbell, the US paid a bit more attention to the region, but not much changed.
Another item on the MPS agenda was the COFA negotiations with the US government. The Micronesian countries wanted to work together to save time and money from having to hire expensive lobbyists and lawyers in Washington DC. China, on the other hand, has made it clear that it is prepared to offer enormous aid without the effort. It told Palau’s President Whipps, “the sky is the limit”.
Just as the Indian government, through the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), provided $1.5 million to improve community health centers in Palau, the Quad should support the Micronesian region.
The US Congress, like Ed Case from Hawaii, has done a great job for the FAS. He should be proud of the many US citizens who have dedicated their lives to Micronesia. For example, Fr. Francis Hezel, who founded the Micronesia Seminar, which provides educational support for 60 years, the gem of the region.
There needs to be a high-level effort to quickly resolve the COFAs, something that will also be good for the US and the aspirations of the Micronesian region—with its varied and unique relationships to the US—to come together as a group should be respected, honoured and facilitated.