やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa


US contribution to Mandate system / 委任統治制度・米国の貢献

Task force formed to curb China’s growing influence in the Pacific region

After the end of the Cold War, the US was gone like a tide from the Pacific. I have seen that 1990s right before my eyes. And I have assisted in taking over the projects that the US left behind.

A few years ago, a US embassy official in Micronesia told me, "The US Members of Congress want to give this area back to Japan," he told me, half joking.

Therefore, the launch of the bipartisan Indo-Pacific Task Force by Congresswoman Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen from American Samoa is a significant event that will change history.

With a group of 50 young politicians from Japan's Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) arriving in Palau in a few days' time, I was once again reading through the complex history of the region's political status - Free Association - Trusteeship - Mandate. The reason for this is that suddenly experts who do not specialise in the region started talking about the Free Association. The Free Association of the United States and Micronesia is unique. The peculiarity lies in the inclusion in the UN Charter of the binding 'strategic areas' that the US added to the post-war trusteeship system.

Why did the US make the Micronesian region a 'strategic area'? To protect its own security. To what extent does it take into account the security of Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands and the FAS, as well as American Samoa?

Well, the trusteeship system has a long history, which according to Robert Holland's "Trusteeship Aspiration" can be traced back to Spanish Queen Isabelle, before Edmond Burke criticised the Indian colony in the Hastings impeachment trial.

In the mid-19th century, the colonisation of Micronesia began as a form of territorial expansion known as 'imperialism', which was reflected on at the Berlin Conference and other forums, and at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, President Wilson and Admiral Smuts proposed the 'mandate' as international law, which led to the Japanese rule of Micronesia.

Potter's analysis of the origins of this 'mandate', which he attributes to the Madrid Treaty of 1880, points to Elihu Root, Secretary of State and Secretary of War, as a key figure in its formulation, who also made a major contribution to modern international law. Root's arguments were referred to by the British liberal Hobson, who in turn referred to them by Lenin and Wilson, and they were incorporated into Article 22 of the Treaty of Versailles.

Pitman B. Potter, "Origin of the System of Mandates under the League of Nations".
The American Political Science Review, Vol. 16, No. 4 (Nov., 1922), pp. 563-583 (21 pages)

This great contribution of the US should not go unnoticed by US politicians and the LDP Youth Division in Japan.

I will write about the issue of the Agreement on Free Association in my next article.


Elihu Root



よって米領サモア出身のAumua Amata Coleman Radewagen議員が超党派のIndo-Pacific Task Forceを立ち上げた事は歴史を変えるであろう重要な事件である。



さて、この信託制度の歴史は長い。Robert Holland の ”Trusteeship Aspiration"によればヘイスティング弾劾裁判でインド植民を批判したEdmond Burkeより前、スペインのIsabelle女王に辿れるという。


この「委任統治」の原点を分析したPotterの論文よれば、1880年のマドリッド条約に原点があり、条約制定の重要人物がElihu Rootであるという。Rootは国務長官、陸軍長官を務め国際法の形成にも大きな貢献をした人物である。Potterによれば Rootの議論を英国自由主義のホブソンが参照し、それをレーニンとウィルソンが参照し、ベルサイユ条約22条に盛り込まれたのである。

Pitman B. Potter, Origin of the System of Mandates under the League of Nations
The American Political Science Review, Vol. 16, No. 4 (Nov., 1922), pp. 563-583 (21 pages)

