やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa



I am writing on the subject of Ocean Governance in Palau.

I launched it in 2008 (even getting the Presidents of the three Micronesian countries and US Assistant Secretary of State Chrisopher Hill to move it!) The Micronesian Maritime Security Project became a concession project of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) and the Jaoan Coast Guard as a pro-China project (This was when Mr. Unno of the Nippon Foundation directly mentioned it to me, after he checked my article in the monthly magazine "Seiron".) My project became a support for the problematic "Palau National Marine Sanctuary" (PNMS).

Having witnessed Yohei Sasakawa's marine incompetence right before my eyes, I wanted to correct it somehow and tried to study ocean law with my second doctorate, but I lost my job at the Sasakawa Pacific Island Nations Foundation, which I had been managing by myself alone for 26 years. Just when I thought all was lost, my friend Ms. Jennifer Anson became the head of the Palau National Security Office and asked me to volunteer to help.

The PNMS, proposed by former President Remengesau and supported by Yohei Sasakawa, would have prohibited fishing in 80% of Palau's EEZ, but the current Whipps administration has formulated a more realistic proposal for a protected area that is more scientific and in compliance with international law.

In addition, the Palau Council of Chiefs (Rubekul Belau), of which former President Remengesau is a member, and foreign NGOs (including Yohei Sasakawa) are opposed to the proposal.

Sabino Anastacio, the Speaker of the National Assembly, has issued a strong rebuttal to this situation in the local media.



私が2008年に立ち上げた(ミクロネシア3カ国の大統領と米国国務次官補クリスファー・ヒルまで動かして!)ミクロネシア海洋安全保障事業は、国交省と海保の利権事業となりpro-China 案件として(これは日本財団海野氏が当方に直接言ってきた。月刊正論の当方の記事を確認してもらった時だ。)問題の多い「パラオ海洋保護区」(PNMS)支援事業になってしまった。



これに強行に反対しているのが前に紹介したパラオの地元メディアだが、さらにレメンゲサウ前大統領がメンバーにもなっている伝統的首長協議会Palau Council of Chiefs (Rubekul Belau) 、そして海外NGO(笹川陽平を含む)である。

この現状にSabino Anastacio国会議長が強い反論を地元メディアに掲載した。


Correcting the Record on Recent Media Articles about Proposed PNMS Bill (HB No. 11-30-2S, HD1) - Island Times

PNMS法案(HB No.11-30-2S, HD1)に関する最近のメディア記事に関する記録の訂正について
by アイランドタイムズ

By サビノ・アナスタシオ議長




パラオは貪欲にもパラオ国立海洋保護区(PNMS)を放棄して、その海域を略奪しようとしていると信じ込ませている人がいるが、それは全く真実ではない。実際、下院法案11-30-2S, HD1は、科学と経済学に基づいたPNMSの現実的な将来像を保存し、発展させるために作られたものです。簡単に言えば、当初のPNMSは財政的に持続可能であるようには設定されていなかったのである。パンデミックの経済的ショックは、この現実を明らかにした。この問題に対処するため、私たちはネイチャー・コンサーバンシーをはじめとする信頼できる団体やその他のパートナーに協力を仰ぎました。





Correcting the Record on Recent Media Articles about Proposed PNMS Bill (HB No. 11-30-2S, HD1)
by Island Times
May 3, 2022

By: Speaker Sabino Anastacio
Palau, like many of its Pacific Island peers, is deeply reliant on the international community. From tourists who frequent our beautiful islands to experience world-class diving, to bilateral and multi-lateral partners that help us to address emerging and existing threats to our stability, to civil society organizations that support our efforts to drive economic and environmental resilience. We are deeply grateful for this support and partnership.

Unfortunately, some of our so-called international partners have engaged more problematically in recent years. They seem to have forgotten that we are a sovereign nation and a proud people. Echoing the worst of the region’s colonial experience, they assume they know what is best for us. Funders and NGOs that proudly espouse their respect for and solidarity with “Indigenous Peoples & Local Communities (IPLC)” seem only to do so when it’s convenient to their cause.

They run campaigns that poison our social cohesion and politics. They make big funding promises that are never fulfilled. They lob accusations unsupported by facts that destabilize our communities. I wish that Palau’s recent experience was an exception to the rule. But, all across the Pacific Islands, these same actors engage with the same scorched-earth approaches—lack of rigorous science, unrealized funding promises and campaigns to co-opt the media to serve their agenda.

In the face of this, we have remained silent. Silent for fear that critical technical and financial support would disappear if we spoke these truths to power. But, now it is time for a new approach as it has become clear that not only do the ends not justify the means, but, ultimately, the means undermine the ends.

While some would have you believe that Palau is greedily abandoning the Palau National Marine Sanctuary (PNMS) to pillage its waters, this is simply not true. In fact, House Bill 11-30-2S, HD1 is designed to save and develop a realistic vision for the future of the PNMS grounded in science and economics. Put simply, the original PNMS was not set up to be financially sustainable. The economic shocks of the pandemic revealed this reality. In order to address this problem, we have enlisted help from trusted organizations including The Nature Conservancy and other partners. 

They have engaged at our request to support us in stabilizing the PNMS while we undertake a 3-year Marine Spatial Planning process to develop options for us that are more durable and address the real needs of our people to balance resource use and protection. Grounded in science, transparency and inclusivity, this planning process will position us to address legitimate concerns, like how to bolster our fledgling domestic fishing industry and how big a protected area we can afford. The process will result in robust marine protections that support Palau’s continued global conservation leadership with science-based, sustainable production in the areas around core no-take closures to secure sustainability in 100% of our waters.

As we look to the future, I hope that stakeholders take a moment to reflect on the last years and recommit to respecting our sovereignty while supporting Palau and its Pacific Island peers with our shared goals for economic and environmental resilience and stability. At this time of monumental challenges to our way of life, we need your support and partnership.

I call on our states’ and communities’ leaders to come together and help build consensus on what is best for our people and nature for the benefit of present and future generations.


Zoo Theory 動物園理論について


JCN Statement before House Committee on Resources

Statement by the Honorable Peter Christian 

Chief Negotiator for the Joint Committee on Compact Economic Negotiations (JCN)

Before the Committee on Resources, United States House of Representatives

Washington, D.C., July 17, 2001