やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa





2017年9月にJennifer Ansonに呼ばれてパラオ行った時、2日に渡り5時間も話をしたのがBilly Kuartei閣下である。Billyさんとは彼が文部大臣だった90年代、即ちパラオが独立してすぐに遠隔教育をめぐる通信事業で密に連絡を取ってきた。

















I am suffering from an extraordinary situation in which Ambassador Adelbai believes false information and has sent a defamatory document to the Sasakawa Peace Foundation, which defames me.

And this is something I would like to write about.

When I was invited by Jennifer Anson to Palau in September 2017, I spoke to His Excellency Billy Kuartei for five hours over two days; I have been in close contact with the Hon. Billy in the 90s when he was Minister of Education, namely in the communications project over distance education as soon as Palau became independent.

I once invited him to a PECC conference in Hong Kong, arranged by myself, after receiving a request from Professor Akio Watanabe to assist the PECC island country project of the Japan Institute of International Affairs. He then flew to the Philippines to facilitate the Palauan Government's accession to the ADB.

The five hours of Palauan affairs from Billy-san was an opportunity to learn anew the depths of the darkness of the island's politics. In a small island society, where everyone is a relative and a friend, hatred and sadness become more pronounced.

The maritime security project that I launched in Palau today was set up by me alone, and the person I consulted with was Billy-san. It was in August 2008 that I approached him via teleconference from the United Nations University in Aoyama about the possibility of supporting a maritime security project.

'Japan for maritime projects? I was just talking about that with Commander Keating and others."

I wondered how Commander Keating knew of my move. This business was initiated by me with Yohei Sasakawa and Jiro Hanyu. I later found out that Commander Keating said

"The US and Japan are the only two countries capable of defending this vast Pacific Ocean. But it was the US that tied Japan's hands and feet", he told Billy.

Then, I suggested maritime assistance. The three Micronesian presidents quickly agreed to the request in November 2008.

Mr Billy told me a surprising story.

He said, "Mr Sasakawa has given us so much money, but there is a group in Palau that doesn't like him. Is there anything we can do to thank him?"

At the time, I did not know that Yohei Sasakawa was connected to the biggest post-war fraud case, the Toyota Shoji case and Palau.

'He likes honour, so Palau Honorary Citizens will be delighted.'

And he did. Afterwards, my Palauan friends were furious at me for doing something so outrageous!" They were angry with me. Although I did not know he was doing it, I deeply regretted it.

It occurred to me that although Yohei Sasakawa was named an honourary citizen, he has not done anything concrete. The Nippon Foundation simply pays Coast Guard personnel seconded to the Maritime Safety and Security Association to work in Palau. (It was I who suggested that if a surveillance vessel was to be provided, maintenance, fuel and manpower support would be necessary. The issue of double secondment between the Coast Guard and the Nippon Foundation has recently made the news, but Palau case is a similar story.

On the other hand, they may not like the fact that I spent my own money to invite Hon. Suidani and his colleague from the Solomon Islands to Japan and arranged a lecture at Parliament Members' Office Building. I have been running exchange programmes with the heads of state and royal families of ASEAN countries as part of the Cabinet Office's Youth Programme since I was a student, so it was a piece of cake for me.

Palau is currently firmly in the hands of the US military. The Nippon Foundation and the Coast Guard should back off and leave it to the Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force and the Ministry of Defence. My motivation behind the launch of the Micronesia Maritime Security Project in 2008 was to find a new direction for the Japan-US alliance. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the Japan Coast Guard cannot do that.