やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa



What the nuclear accident has made me realise once again is that Japan's post-war policy towards the Pacific is related to its nuclear policy.

In the 1980s, Prime Minister Nakasone visited the Pacific Islands because of the problem of dumping nuclear waste at sea.

The 'Pacific Island Summit' started suddenly in 1997. The purpose behind this was to contain the opposition of Pacific island governments to the maritime transport of radioactive materials such as plutonium, high-level radioactive waste and mixed oxide of plutonium and uranium (MOX) fuel, which began in 1992.

Concerned about Japan's support for Pacific island countries without a policy, my second MA supervisor, Professor Akio Watanabe, set up the Pacific Islands Policy Study Committee to discuss and formulate a policy. Professor Akio Watanabe is well known as the person who was in charge of island countries in former Prime Minister Masayoshi Ohira's 'Pacific Rim Initiative' study team.

The results of this study group - the Pacific Islands Policy Study Committee - led to the Micronesian Maritime Security Project, which I launched in 2008.

Former Prime Minister Ohira's Pacific Rim concept was initially named ”Pacific Ocean Community" by him in English. It is clear that Ohira, who was in charge of the South Seas Agency as the chief inspector of the Main Bureau of the Ministry of Finance, was interested in the islands, and I am told that the Pacific Islands Conference held in 1988 was the fulfilment of former Prime Minister Masayoshi Ohira's wish. I took it over with the involvement of Dr Watanabe.

Then there is Noboru Gotoh of Tokyu, who was an army captain during the war.
There is a story about Noboru Gotoh, who bought a remote island in Fiji and left it untouched until he could develop tourism that would enable environmental conservation.
It seems that this was a promise he made to the first Prime Minister of Fiji, Kamisese Mara.

--In Western-style development projects, even the best places become secularised and useless after 30 years of being turned into resorts. He wondered whether it would be possible to develop tourism over a longer period of time. In 1968 (Showa 43), I had the opportunity to meet the Prime Minister of Fiji, Ratu Mara. He repeatedly explained his view of 'The Pacific Way', in which environmental conservation is the top priority and development is only permitted to the extent that it is possible to protect the environment. I was shocked by his values, which are so far removed from our own.

(My Resume, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, March 1989)





 日本の政策なき太平洋島嶼国支援を憂慮された私の2つ目の修士の指導教官でもあられる渡辺昭夫教授が、政策を協議策定する勉強会Pacific Islands Policy Study Committeeを立ち上げた。渡辺昭夫先生は言わずと知れた大平正芳元首相の「環太平洋構想」勉強会チームで島嶼国を担当されていた方である。

 この勉強会ーPacific Islands Policy Study Committeeの成果が2008年から私が立ち上げたミクロネシア海洋安全保障事業につながる。

 大平元首相の環太平洋構想は当初Pacific Ocean Communityと本人が英語で名付けた。本省主計局主査で南洋庁を担当していた大平が島に関心があったことは明白である。1988年に開催された『太平洋島嶼会議』は大平正芳元首相の念願を叶えたものである、と聞いている。それを私が渡辺先生を巻き込んで引き継いだのである。





5-8-1-4 [コラム]太平洋地域の発展に尽力した五島昇社長

東急100年史 5章 1981-1989 |東急株式会社