パラオの在日本大使をされていたMinoru Francisco Xavier Ueki氏が旭日章を受章された。
FBIの人身売買取締担当者3名がパラオで訓練を実施。日本財団が供与したPalau Marine Law Conference Roomが使用された。この施設の案を押し、パラオに持っていったのは私なので、利用されているのは嬉しい。
3つ目、最後は米国海兵隊がパラオに来て11月26ー30日訓練をするとのこと。同時に開催されるTask Force Koa Moanaと共同で。Koa Moanaは海兵隊の太平洋訓練のようだ。Moanaはポリネシア語で海。Koaは兵士。
(Island Times) - FBI to conduct human trafficking probe training in Palau
06 Nov 2018
Three Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents are coming to Palau to conduct training on Human Trafficking investigation slated November 14 to 16 at the Palau Marine Law Conference Room.
Anti-Human Trafficking Coordinator Jennifer Anson told Island Times that Palau had previously requested for the FBI’s assistance hence, resulting to the training.
FBI’s Supervisory Special Agents Tamara McKen and Marty Parker and Victim Specialist Monica Rowsey will be coming to Palau to help improve Palau’s investigation skills especially in human trafficking cases.
The topics to be discussed include adult sex trafficking, labor trafficking, investigations based on human trafficking statutes, case integration between prosecutors and investigators, Violent Crimes Against Children (VCAC), and providing services to victims of human trafficking.
The anti-human trafficking office has been set up to deal with human trafficking issues and complaints in Palau. It is part of Palau’s efforts to improve its status from Tier 2 to Tier 1 in the United States Trafficking of Persons report.
Tier 2 rating is given to countries whose governments do not fully meet the reports’ minimum standards, but are making significant efforts to bring themselves into compliance with those standards. (Rhealyn C. Pojas)
(Island Times) - Palau delegation to meet with US officials in Hawaii for annual JCM
06 Nov 2018
A Palauan delegation headed by Vice President and Minister of Justice Raynold Oilouch had travelled to Hawaii last night, November 5, for the annual joint committee meeting (JCM) with the United States under the Compact of Free Association.
Oilouch left Palau along with seven other public officials namely the Minister of State Faustina Rehuher-Marugg, Education Minister Sinton Soalablai, Palau’s Consul General in Honolulu Uchel Naito, Compact Review Office Assistant to the Chief Negotiator Dwight Alexander, Mr. David Idip, Minister of State Chief of Staff and Acting Director of Foreign Affairs and Trade Jeffrey Antol, and Jennifer Anson of the Anti-Human Trafficking Office.
The meeting, which will be held on November 7 and 8, will dedicate sessions focusing on Palau’s defense, maritime domain awareness, maritime security, and border protection, and security sector institution development.
Palau’s delegation was initially composed of 13 officials but a reliable source said that it has been cut down to eight delegates as ordered by President Tommy Remengesau, Jr. to avoid over expense.
The United States delegation is composed of 23 officials, mostly from security and defense sector, and will be headed by United States Ambassador to Palau Amy Hyatt. (Rhealyn C. Pojas)
(Island Times) - US Marines to visit Palau to conduct military training
06 Nov 2018
The United States Marines will be coming to Palau this month to providemilitary training for Palau’s police officers.
Public Safety Director Aloysius Alonz told Island Times in an interview that the four-day training, which is slated on November 26 to 30, will be conducted in partnership with Task Force Koa Moana.
Koa Moana, which is Hawaiian word for ocean warrior, is a multilateral training exercise that focuses on improving security cooperation engagements between the United States and its partner nations.
The training will include firearms training, hand-to-hand combat, defensive tactics, and crime scene and evidence collection, among others.
Aside from that, a training on explosive ordnance disposal will also be conducted.
The firearms training will be held at the shooting range in Ngardmau. (Rhealyn C. Pojas)