やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa


ウクライナ問題にも関連するチャゴス諸島と英国が否定した ICJの自決権

モーリシャス政府が国連とアフリカ連合  (すなわち中共政府)に後押しされて ICJに提訴したチャゴス諸島領有件問題は、2019年2月25日、日本人の岩澤判事とボツワナ政府の弁護人となった京大の濱本教授の支持も含めた形で、英国政府は即刻チャゴス諸島をモーリシャス政府に返すよう勧告が下された。その際議論の中心となったのが国際法原則になった「自決権」である。

The issue of the Chagos Islands dispute, brought to the ICJ by the Government of Mauritius, encouraged by the United Nations and the African Union (i.e., the Chinese government), was resolved on February 25, 2019, with the support of Japanese Judge Iwasawa and Professor Hamamoto of Kyoto University, who served as a defense lawyer for the Government of Botswana, among others.

A advisory was made for the British government to immediately return the Chagos Islands to the government of Mauritius.

 At the time, the discussion centered on the "right to self-determination," which has become a principle of international law.



My second PhD thesis focuses on the right to self-determination, which was of great interest to me because it was central to my theoretical framework, but I did not intend to include it in my thesis because of the different historical backgrounds and political situations of the Chagos Islands and Pacific Island countries.


しかし、この2月28日の英国議会 (House of Lord)でチャゴシアン(チャゴス諸島住民)の英国市民権を認める修正法案が237対154で可決されたのである。この後House of Commonsで議論される。

However, on February 28, the British Parliament (House of Lords) passed by a vote of 237 to 154 an amended bill to allow Chagossians (residents of the Chagos Islands) to become British citizens. The House of Commons will debate it later.

Amendment 1: 28 Feb 2022: House of Lords debates - TheyWorkForYou


Chagossians who were forced to leave the island in the past by the British government in an inhumane manner were severely discriminated against in Mauritius, where they were sent, and many (3,000) are now living in the UK. Their only request is to return to the island and obtain British (overseas territory) citizenship. They say that being governed by the poverty and corruption-ridden government of Mauritius is the worst possible scenario.


 ICJ とモーリシャスの主張を支援してきたアフリカ連合、国連、岩澤判事、濱本教授はこの状況をどのように受け止めるのであろうか?まだチャゴス諸島をモーリシャス政府に返還せよと主張するのであろうか?私には今回のケースはチャゴシアンの意思、自決権を無視した国際法原則「自決権」の「間違った応用」のケースにしか見えない。彼らに寄り添っていたのはモーリシャス政府ではなく、英国の一部の政治家と活動家達だ。

How will the ICJ, the African Union, the UN, Judge Iwasawa, and Professor Hamamoto, who have supported the case, react to this situation? Will they still insist that the Chagos Islands be returned to the government of Mauritius? To me, this case looks like a case of "wrong application" of the international law principle "right to self-determination" without regard to the will of the Chagossians and their right to self-determination. It seemed to me that it was not the Mauritian government that stood by them, but some British politicians, activists, and academics.

実は忘れていたチャゴシアンの市民権を思い出させてくれたのが、鈴木宗男議員のウクライナを巡る自決権の問題だ。鈴木議員が自決権と国際法を理解していないと主張する人は多分自決権に関する論文を読んでいない。「自決権」が国際法原則として確立した、とは言い切れない事は判例を知ればわかることだ。その概念はexteamly ambiquous concept であるとAntonio Casseseは書いている。


In fact, it was the issue of the right to self-determination over Ukraine by Senator Muneo Suzuki that reminded me of Chagossian citizenship that I had forgotten. Anyone who claims that Senator Suzuki does not understand the right to self-determination and international law has probably not read the article on the right to self-determination. It is clear from the precedents that the "right to self-determination" has not been established as a principle of international law. Antonio Cassese writes that the concept is exteamly ambiquous concept.

I have been thinking about the issue of the right to self-determination in Ukraine, the Donetsk Lugansk Republic, and the Chagos Islands for the past few days




One last point.

The British government wanted to keep the Chagos Islands because they wanted to put a US military base there. Diego Garcia. It is the one and only military base in the Indo-Pacific security, which also guarantees the security of the Middle East and is directly related to the security of Japan.