やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa







「米国が終戦後信託統治となったミクロネシアに何もしてこなかった事は知っているよね。」 「はい、ケネディ政権まで放って置かれたんですよね。」


戦後の日本の飢えを救ったのが、水産業、特に捕鯨、と言うイメージがあった。 パラオまで救っていたとは。。もちろんミクロネシア連邦やマーシャル諸島にも送られていたはずだ。


In a conversation with a Palauan official, the subject of whales came up.

"You know the U.S. never did anything with Micronesia after the war, right? "

"Yes, they left it alone until the Kennedy administration."

"There was nothing to eat, you know. We didn't have anything to eat, but Japan sent us some canned whale. It was a precious food."

I had an image that it was the fishing industry, especially whaling, that saved Japan from starvation after the war. I hadn't realized that Palau had also been saved. Of course, it must have been sent to the Federated States of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands as well.