やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa



現在台湾を支持する国家は15カ国。太平洋島嶼国ではパラオ、マーシャル諸島、ナウル、ツバルが残っている。ウィップス大統領がインタビューで明らかにしていたが、中共政府は "the sky is the limit"と言って台湾を切る事を説得したそうだ。


There are currently 15 states that support Taiwan. Among the Pacific island nations, Palau, Marshall Islands, Nauru and Tuvalu remain. President Whipps revealed in an interview that the CPC government had persuaded him to cut off Taiwan by saying "the sky is the limit".

The Taiwanese ambassadors to Palau and Tuvalu left their posts. Diplomacy is a relationship between countries, but at the end of the day it is a relationship between people. It is no mean feat to build a relationship of trust while understanding the political situation of an island in an international environment. Japan's ambassador, Karasawa, who comes from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, is doing a great job. Mr. Karasawa is probably the first ambassador to give a speech in Palauan.