やしの実通信 by Dr Rieko Hayakawa




ソロモン諸島出身の水産専門家で、ソガヴァレ政権で国連大使になっているはずのTransform Aqorau博士の意見が興味深い。暴動を、窃盗を働いた人々の事が書かれている。


Perhaps we could replace Kenya with Solomon Islands because everything this Kenyan politician is saying about his country is known to happen here in Solomon Islands which is one of the underlying reasons why when we people looted last week, there was such a level of contempt and anger, and lawlessness, I have never seen before even during the tension and the previous riots. I am not defending, nor condoning them in any form, or shape whatsoever what they did. I felt disgusted by it all like many law abiding citizens.
Those that I talked to last Friday at China Town who were saddened by what we saw, were like me, educated, had a home and regular income. It was so obvious to me the difference in the socio-economic background of those who were looting and taking things back to their homes starting for me, which I say with respect, the way they dress. These were people who live in settlements who probably have no running water, no electricity, who have never received anything from government, who stole rice and other food stuff because they probably, literally did not have any at home. Most of them did not look like people who were there to make a political statement; they just saw it as an opportunity to take advantage of those they feel have been favoured from the way services and wealth have been distributed and steal.
I was amazed and scared by the extent to which looters showed disdain and contempt for the law and the Police, and how on Thursday when they marched towards China Town, they were armed with knifes, and other sharp instruments. These were new traits that were never seen in the past, when rioters only carried stones. Corruption has helped to create such inequities and disparities in the distribution of social and economic benefits, that most of those who came out to steal and loot, were those so marginalized by the lack of government services, that it only needed a spark to ignite them. Offivial corruption, burning and looting all have economic costs. The only difference is that the former does nor have such obvious visual manifestation in the aftermath.
多分、ケニア人政治家が自分の国について言っていることは、すべてこのソロモン諸島で起こっていることです。先週、私たちが略奪されたとき、これまでの緊張状態や以前の暴動のときでさえも見たことがないほどの軽蔑と怒り、そして無法状態があった根本的な理由のひとつです。私は彼らを擁護しているわけではありませんし、彼らが行ったことを容認しているわけではありません。 多くの法律を守る市民と同じように、私もすべてに嫌悪感を覚えました。